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Evie's Pov
"The Incident that that happened between Jay and I happened a week ago, Jay and I haven't talked much or talk to others. I hope this won't ruined our friendship. I know that Jay and I have been acting strange lately and I just can't forget nor forgive myself, infact I kind of liked what happened that night but it's wrong to feel that way. I may had some hidden secrets back in the Isle, but I didn't know this would happen. The Past few weeks Doug is always Needy,Jealous and over protective which is cute but... I get so annoyed, I can't believe that he wouldn't let me stay over at one of  the boys dorm with Mal! If he knows what happened, I am ruined. I made a promise to myself not to tell anyone or my best friend about it. I did my best to keep this secret. Now I know why life is so complicated! I was sitting on my bed and Mal kept bragging about Ben and how she is getting married soon with Ben and how she is going to be Queen. "Isn't it crazy how love changes you" Mal goes on saying. I wasn't paying attention to Mal, I have been ignoring her until she shouted".

"E, Eve, Evie? Evelyn!" Mal shouted

"huh... Who, what, when, what did I do". Evie said as she looked around to Mal

"are you listening"? Mal asked

"ah...yah" Evie said

Evie's Pov

"I know how lucky I am to have a Best Friend like Mal. But sometimes to save some friendships you got to keep some secrets and I hate to lie to her, she's like a sister, she knows everything! I'm a bad liar and Mal knew that, so I had to do my best so she Believes me. I had to pretend that nothing happened and i'm the same person I was before that night. I didn't want to bring this back to my head but I like Jay, If I take step forward and tell the truth... I might lose Jay as a Friend, I don't know if that's the risk i'm willing to take, and surely he won't like me.

"Evie are you okay"? Mal asks

Evie came up of a lie and try to make it convincing, every lie Evie comes up with it goes closer to the truth

"I know you have been hiding something from me but now I know what it is, Come here". Mal said giving her a hug

Evie and Jay's Pov

" I had a flash back about that night when I woke up naked and remember that we woke up beside eachother, I just wish that never happened but in the same time deep inside I liked it, who knew, maybe this was supposed to happen... what am I thinking... this is so hard/complicated ".

The girls heard a knock on the door. They opened it an found Carlos all nervous about something

"hey guys its...its jay he has been acting all crazy ever since"! Carlos yelled

"what no way"! Mal said

"fine if you don't want to know..." Carlos said

"don't leave, tell me". Mal said

"you know how Audrey and Jay are dating"?

"yah what about that"? Mal ask

"ok ok... so.... at New Years Eve I was looking for Jay, I couldn't find him and I was getting tierd. I headed to the dorms. As I was about to open the door I heard some strange noises. I put my ear against the door to hear better out of curiousity. until I heard Jay and I think with Audrey in the our dorm.... it seems like they were going at it or something. Then the next morning, I came by, the door was open, i saw Audrey and Jay kissing and laughing, and it seemed like Audrey was heading out."

Evie stayed quiet and Mal and Carlos were freaking out.

"what!!! No way!!!" Mal said

"Yeah, that was by reaction!" Carlos said

"who would of thought those two were serious!" Said Mal

" Jay & Audrey ( Jadrey), ouu I have one for you and Ben, Ben & Mal (Bal)" Carlos said creating ship names

"Hahahaha.... i love it .....Love really  comes in unexpected ways, Isn't't  that right E!" Mal said as she turned to look at Evie

"Uh yea... umm sorry i have to go...  somewhere" Evie said
she left the dorm. Evie couldn't help her self and what she was hearing.

Mal and Carlos watched Evie leave the room. The two looked at eachother confused.

"Uh..What happend to Evie? did I say something wrong?" Carlos said

"Hmm. I don't know, she hasn't been acting like her self lately, she told me something earlier but I have a strange feeling there's more to what she said, I think it's best if we leave her be, she probably just needed some air. Mal said

Evie's Pov

"I wasn't able to speak after what Carlos said, Mal and Carlos was nearly close to finding out the truth because of my actions. Only if they knew it was me and not Audrey. Ever since that night I have been blaming my self for it but I knew that something between Jay and I was real. Drunk sayings are sober thoughts right? if that were to be true, did Jay really mean what he said, but again he may not remeber the slightest of it. For a momment I thought he can actually like me,I still know that I'm dating Doug and he is dating Audrey but why is it that when Carlos mentioned Audrey making out with Jay that same morning made me feel something, I don't know what it was, why was I sad? am I jealous? I have so many questions. I can't just ignore what happened and he can't just ignore what happened between us... well I do get why he would... but I think I like him and to think that he actually likes me. Ugh I have no idea what happening to me but one thing I know is that my feelings are back for him again"?!


Sorry if late update but this is what I've got, I hope you guys like it so far

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-(Eve) Authors Note

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