I like you

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Evie's Pov
Ever since yesterday I didn't want to go to school, I just hate when other people hate me, thats not me , I like being the (fairest of them all) as in being treated like a princess. Mal's almost never comes early, so I get bored out of my mind. If only I could tell how I really feel, I wish everything could go my way, but it doesn't. If Jay didn't comfort me I don't know what I'm going to do.

-few hours later-

Evie was just about to finish showering and Jay comes inside of Evie's dorm without knocking, Evie finished taking a shower and started singing while Jay just sat on Evie's Bed and took a peek of Evie's Diary, He only read a couple of words than stopped when he heard Evie singing.

"let's set it off... oh ya ha..." Evie sang

Evie came out of the washroom with her towel on her hair and didn't bother to put her other towel around her body she just didn't care leaving her with no bra and underwear.

"ahhh what.. what are you doing here Jay!? Evie yelled

Jay turned around and looked at Evie with his jaw open

Evie looked at Jay confused untill she remembered that she wasn't wearing a towel so she grabbed her towel that was around her hair and put it around her body. Evie went back to the washroom and put clothes on.

Evie quickly got dressed and came out of the washroom

"so Jay, why did you come here, shouldn''t  you be with Audrey right now"?

"ha long story... Audrey and I broke up" Jay said

"oh sorry"

"don't need to be, I was the one who broke up with her and besides I'm not into her".

"oh ok, I don't really like Doug either, He's quite annoying". Evie said joining Jay on her bed

"then if you don't really like him, why have you been staying and hiding out in the Dorm"?

"I... I don't know."

"Common, going out wouldn't be bad".

Evie took a deep breath, "it isn't that easy..."

"Sure it is, show that dwarf guy he's got nothing on you. And Evie you're amazing. You Don't need him."

Evie smiled and thanked Jay. Evie then stood up, just when Evie was about to walk, Jay grab Evie's arm stopping her. Evie turned to face Jay. Jay put his hand in his pocket and pulled out Evie's bracelet. He gently pulled Evie closer. She then sat back down. He took Evie's arm and put her bracelet around her wrist.

"My bracelet! I was looking all over for that!" Evie said looking at it.

"You left it behind, that morning on New Years Day.

"Wait... New Years. You- You remember?"

"Of course. I remember everything" jay said

Evie and jay smiled. Then Evie remembered Doug.  Evie tool another deep breath

" I feel so bad for what I did to Doug"

"What WE did. E it's not you're fault. He'll come around." Jay said

"Yeah i guess." Said Evie

"And...whatever happened at New Years was just for fun"."

"Right... so cheer up"! Jay said

Evie giggles and smiles

The two of them talk for a while, each minute they keep coming closer, They both looked into each others eyes and kissed. Evie smiles. When Jay leaned in to kiss Evie again. Evie stoped the kiss from happening by running to the washroom.

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