Break Up

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In Chemistry Class Doug had been staring at Evie with a mean look.

"Evie I need to talk to you after class it's important"! Doug said with a glare and walked away

"umm... sure, ok" Evie said confused and nervous

Evie's Pov
Today i've noticed that Doug was being distant, he didn't speak to me at all, just before the dismissal bell Doug came to my table and spoke to me, it seemed serious and I wonder what it could be...
"oh no... what if Doug found out what happened between me and Jay"!                                        


Jay walked to Audreys locker.

"Finally you're here, hold this." Audrey said as she gave Jay her books from out of her locker.

Audrey continues piling the books up for Jay Hold.

"Uh Audrey?" Jay said as he was still holding all the books

Audrey turned to the side and looked at Jay

"Oh right! Don't forget this!" Audrey said as she added one more book

Audrey locked her locker then started walking, and Jay followed behind.

"Hey Audrey, so...I wanted to say this earlier I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you".  Jay said

Audrey wasn't paying attention till she heard the break up part of what Jay had said

"wait... stop. Did you say that your breaking up with me!" Audrey said as she stoped walking and turned around.

"But why!" Audrey said as she faces Jay

"(foxy),Audrey...I like someone else, sorry!" Jay said

"oh okaayyy. don't worry, I've been rejected three times... I just want my life to be just the way I want it, This is all of my parents fault! They spoiled me! Audrey said

"don't worry it's not your fault Audrey, its YOU not Me... no wait it's ME not you ". Jay said

"Ugh, whatever. If you dont like me that's fine, but thanks for being a friend". Audrey said

"no problem". Jay said

The two continued walking side by side

"so... who is this girl that you like"? Audrey asks curiously

Jay was about to answer but he got cut off by the bell

Everyone came out of their classes rushing to go out.

-after class-

Everyone  put away their things and left the class room, Evie, Doug and Chad were the last ones out. Chad headed out the door leaving  Evie and Doug.

Evie! Doug said

Evie continued walking out the door. Doug follows Evie and walked up to her.

"Evie wait for me!" Doug said

The two got out of class. Doug stoped Evie from walking and the two stoped in middle of the hallway.

"Evie is there anything you need to tell me?!" Ask Doug furiously

"Huh no, what do you mean?" Evie said nervously.

"You're lying. I know what you did at New Years!" Doug said angrily

Evie gulped and stayed quiet

"You and Jay!!!"

"Doug let me Exp-"

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