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Evie's Pov
    I woke up in the morning and had this huge headache, everything was blury. When I could finally see I saw Jay beside me, both of us were naked he hugged me but I got out of bed and changed, I should've stop my self before knowing what actually happened between us. I can't imagine what people would think and betrayed my own boyfriend! I heard Jay awaken so I ran out of the dorm and left.

Jay's Pov
I woke up when I heard the door slammed shut. I noticed that I was naked, i turned to the side and saw a bracelet that was left behind then I had a quick flash back what happened last night with Evie. I couldn't forgive or forget what happened, what I did. I can't stop thinking  about it and I don't know what Audrey will say when she finds out, Right now I'm going to try to forget about it, plus I have to meet Audrey in 5 and somehow give back Evie's bracelet

Sorry if short
Does anyone have any ideas for the next chapter?
Plz tell me if you do, I really appreciate it I hope you like this story so far
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