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After finding out the news. Jay, Ben, Mal, and Carlos promised to keep the secret safe until Evie was ready. As for Evie, she locked herself in the dorms for a week. A flood of emotions rushed through her; she was worried, contemplating, embarrassed, ashamed, afraid, excited and nervous.

Evie's Pov:

After the visit to the school nurse, I decided to stay in Mal and I's dorm, for a week. The group came by now and then to check up on me. I appreciate everything they do, but I brought this upon myself. The only thing I can do is stay strong and do what's right for this baby that's inside me. And so I decided to go back to school, but before I left, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Jane.

Jane said hi and asked to come in, and so I welcomed her in. She asked how I was holding up. She sounded worried.

Did she know more than I think she does? I stood there confused.

"Oh, sorry if I bothered you. I just wanted to know if you're okay. You and Mal have been great friends and helped me a lot. I haven't seen you in a while and Carlos mentioned that you were here, so I came by." she explained

I told her that I was okay and that I was glad she came to see me. I asked how she was.

Carlos talked a lot about her during his visits. I'm still surprised he hasn't asked Jane to be his girlfriend already, but anyway, Jane looked around the room and stood near the mirror just like when Mal and I gave her that magical makeover.

"Fairy Godmother, aka my mother, is finally teaching me how to use magic!" she exclaimed as she turned around to face me, "and I'd love for you to assist me!"

Well, that's wonderful. I said

"I was hoping that I could help you with whatever you need!"

I looked at her, wondering why she wanted me to be her Cinderella.

Really? I questioned her

Yes! She said without hesitation, She then held my hands begging. I laughed and agreed. She was so filled with joy, and I was too. We hugged and for a brief moment, my worries about the baby were gone. Maybe she is going to be a great fairy godmother after all.

After we hugged, I started putting my books into my bag. She watched me and asked if I was heading out. I nodded and looked for my Biology papers. She mentioned that the group would be thrilled to see me, and of course, I had no doubt they would. But I was still worried about what others would feel about me when I stepped on campus. Later, I found the papers and put them in my bag. I looked at Jane, patiently waiting. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but not now. It's not the right time, and it's not the right time for anybody else to know that I'm pregnant. I plan to keep it that way as long as it takes. Jane tapped me on the shoulder and suggested we leave before the lunch break came to an end. I took my things and locked the dorm behind me.

Later, Evie and Jane arrived at Auradon Prep and went their separate ways. Evie took a deep breath before entering the premises and pretended like nothing ever happened.

As she went through the school doors, she saw many people giving her weird looks. She continued walking in the hallways and heard whispering. It was as if it was her first time in Auradon all over again.

"Look, it's Evie!"

"Evie and Doug broke up"

"I heard Jay and Audrey broke up too!"

"That's old news, she's with Jay now"

"Evie and Jay..."

"They had a one night stand"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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