She's What!?!

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Shoutouts To vampire_knight_27  SofiaCarson-Stewart8 Jayandevieforever RellyandJayvie14  ilovejevie and to all of you guys who reads my story's  and who follow me it means a lot

    A week has passed since Jay and Evie had a romantic date together,this week something different happened. Almost everyone was busy, mostly Mal was always busy with Ben, Carlos has a study date with Jane, Jay is busy for the big tourney game that will happen and... Evie.... she stayed in her room lately and hasn't come out, she says that she has something to do but she has been hiding something from everyone.

-Evie and Mal's Dorm-

Evie yawns "hmm... Good morning Ma.." Evie looked around and her best friend wasn't there

"oh well" Evie shrugged than she realized that Mal is staying at the beast castle for the week

"wow I've been asleep for hours". Evie said

Suddenly Evie felt sick and ran to the washroom. Soon Evie starts vomiting and she gets really dizzy. Evie was still in the washroom but she hadn't notice that someone was knocking on the door.

(knock, knock)

"Hello anyone there"? Jay asks

No one answered, Jay went to see if the door was unlocked and it was. Once Jay opened the door he heard Evie vomiting.

(vomiting sounds)

"Hey Eve's were are you"? Jay asks and droped the things he was holding and went to the washroom

Evie was rinsing her mouth and splashing her face with cold water

"Eves are you okay"? Jay said as he pushes her hair to the side

"Its nothing, maybe it was just the food that I ate yesterday". Evie said

"Are you sure"? Jay asked

"Yes I'm fine, so don't worry". Evie said with a smile

"whatever you say beautiful"! Jay said as he kissed her on the forehead".

They went out of the washroom and Evie sat on her bed

"so what brings you here Mr"! Evie said acting all cute

" Well you know , I would only come here to see my beautiful blueberry Princess"! Jay said and went to her bed and kissed her on the check

"awe your so sweet! Evie said smiling

"ha ha remember not too sweet". Jay said

Evie giggled

Jay chuckled

Jay gave Evie a box of chocolate and some roses

"aren't you going to eat it"? Jay asks

"umm I'll eat it later". Evie said

"So How's Tourney" Evie asks

"Its great, We have practice after school, want to swing by later"? Jay said

"Sure I guess I can come". Evie said

"It's been 3 days you've missed school , why"? Jay said worried

Evie sighs

"Evie"? Jay said waving his hand I front of her

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