Baby Girl- Lucas

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You recently just had a baby girl, named Adrianna, with your husband Lucas. Adrianna is now 5 months old and you and Lucas are still getting the hang of things...

I was laying down on my bed watching re-runs of Martin when I heard my baby, Lucas, making his way down the hall to our room. My other baby, Adrianna, was in his arms.

Lucas let out a long sigh gaining your attention. "I have a confession."

"About?" I questioned having no idea what this could be about. Was he cheating? Cause I got something for that.

"Adrianna. She's so little and she eats all day and she sleeps then wakes up then sleeps then wakes up then poops. And her poop stinks!" He said in one breath making it sound like a run-on sentence. While he was "confessing" he thrust Adrianna out into  the air by one hand. My baby was dangling between his arm and mid air! Adrianna just giggled, with a single-toothed grin.


Both Lucas and baby Adrianna's mouth dropped open. I'm usually a chill person, but when it comes to my baby... Baby over everything/one. It's a mommy thing; you wouldn't understand.

He returned Adrianna back to her original cradling position. Her little face was still staring at me, probably shocked about Mommy screaming.

"And she's a baby. What did you expect? It's not just fun times and cute baby moments," I brought back my regular voice.

"Oh, trust me I know. By the way I was joking baby," he said placing Adrianna on my stomach and trying to kiss my cheek.

"Ah ah ah. Getcho light skin, baby swinging ass away from me," I mushed his face away from me and rolled Adrianna and I away from him. Now my back was turned to him.

I felt his body heat crawl up my back as he creeped behind me. His icy breath hit the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"Move. Adrianna and I don't like you right now," I said glancing back over my shoulder. He didn't say anything so I turned my attention back to Adrianna and kissed her all over her face. She did that adorable giggle again and I had to laugh with her.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked strategically placing kisses on the back of my neck. He knew exactly where all my spots were too. Uhhh curse his buttery, pillow lips.

"Positive," I responded gritting my teeth to keep from letting any "pleasure sounds".

"Are you sure your sure?" He asked again wrapping his arm around my waist and placing his kisses lower to my upper back.

"Yes! Now move, Lucas!" I reached behind me and pushed his chest. He pulled my hand slightly making me fall flat on my back. Then he slowly rose my hand to his lips and kissed them softly while looking me in the eye. (Melts on the inside.)

"I'm going to put Adriana in her crib," I said snatching my hand from his lips. I picked up Adriana and scooted to the other side of the bed. Adjusting Adriana on my hip, I walked out the room.

When I came back into the room, Lucas was laying out top of the covers in the pose where he's on his side, his leg is bent and his head is propped up by his elbow. -_- He got up and started walking towards me, but before he could wrap his arms around me, I dove past him and on to the bed. I probably looked like a flying fish. I used my hands to keep my face from skidding across the mattress.

Lucas looked at me on the bed, back to his empty arms, and to the spot I was standing in before. "How the... What the..."

I simply smiled at him and rolled myself in all the covers so that he couldn't have any. He went to his side of the bed and laid down. I heard a loud and heavy sigh escape then felt two eyes on me. I looked over him.

"You know you look like sushi right?" He was right. It didn't help that our comforter was black on the outside and green on the inside either.

"At least I'm a hot sushi," I giggled.

"True," he said in a Two Chainz voice. "Come give Daddy a kiss before you go to sleep."

"No, he's getting on my nerves." He rolled my face over towards his. I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips against his.


"Yup," he smiled. I rolled back over to my side of the bed sushi style.

Before I could go to sleep, I felt a hand under me than the world started spiraling really fast. Next thing I know, I was clinging to the edge of the bed trying not to fall to the floor.

"I hope you didn't think I was going to freeze over here."
859 words 😊
I tried.
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