Love and Football~ Sage the Gemini

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"You want chocolate chip?"

"Nope. Oreos please."


"And a spoon," I responded to Dom's questions from his living room, "Ayo, the Homecoming Game is next Friday right?"

"You know it," he walked in with a paper towel filled with Oreos and two glasses of milk with spoons in them, "You're going right?"

"Maybe, maybe not," I said teasing him.

"I know you're going to come see ya boy play," he smirked.

"And if I don't?"

"Imma drag ya little ass down there," his face turned dead straight. After a faux tense moment, we both bust out laughing. Dominic is my best friend, and star quarter back on our school football team. Football was his art and the Raging Rams' field was his canvas.

Up until the end of last year, he had the stereotypical football player. Star of the team, cheer captain girlfriend, good looks, and all the popularity in the school. The only thing that changed was his relationship status. He was currently single even though he could have any girl with just the glance of his green-hazel eyes. Shit he can have me too... not that I would ever tell him that.

We've been friends since freshman year and now it's our third week in our senior year. I remember the day we met like the back of my hand.

OCTOBER 2013 (Freshman Year)

"26, 27, 28," Ms. Westfield counted the last few heads on the bus. She nodded to the driver, "Alright, they're all here."

"What is she wearing?" I mumbled to myself, taking in her knit quilt-like jacket, velvet green pants, and tan clogs.

"She looks like she just ran through a fabric shop, not caring what clung to her," I laughed at whoever had said that. I looked over my shoulder to see a boy behind me leaning over his seat, also staring at Ms. Westfield.

When he looked down at me, over the seat, I noticed his sparkling green-hazel eyes. They were to die for. His smooth brown skin seemed to be glowing in the mid-morning light.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" his oddly deep voice broke through my thoughts, making my face flush slightly.

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