You're All I Need

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The last bell for school rang.
Thank goodness, I thought to myself. It was Friday and this week was just too long for my liking.

"You ready for the weekend?" my best friend asked.

"Most definitely. This school is stressing me the hell out," I respond, as she nods in agreement. We reached my locker. "Hey, we're still going to Lucky Str-,"

"I don't know who the FUCK you thought I was playing with," a male voiced boomed through the hallways. Students began to look around and chatter about what was happening. In the middle of our large hallways, a circle had started to form.

"Shit, you're playing yourself, motha' fucker, cause everyone knows your nothing but a fucking joke," a voice I knew all to well, spat back. We've been dating for a year and a half now. I know his voice, his smell and even the feel of his presence.

It's cute, not creepy.

"Oh shit..." I whispered mainly to myself. I moved my legs through the crowd to get to my hot-headed boyfriend.

"Move... move," I pushed students aside to get to the center of the circle.

"You ain't shit, but a bitch ass boy," Jason barked back. This beef started a few weeks back when Jason started messing with my baby. Little shit added up and now he was trying to fight him.

There was a reason Jason started this: he was jealous. He wanted the scholarship, the  smarts, the good looks, and the basketball talent. Between his academics and basketball skills, Malik had a full ride to Duke. But a suspension could put all that risk.

"Malik! Don't do this. He's not worth it," I spoke, touching his arm. He looked down at me, his face softening.

"Yeah, listen to ya bitch and walk away," Jason sneered

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"Yeah, listen to ya bitch and walk away," Jason sneered.

I snapped my head around at him, then back to where Jason was standing, but he wasn't in the same spot.

"Imma tell you what you're not going to do," Malik said stepping closer to Jason, "You're not gonna disrespect my girl like that."

Malik used his two inch height difference to its full potential by looking down on Jason. Jason absentmindedly stepped backward, causing his goons to laugh. He quickly reasserted himself.

"You not fooling anybody with that tough boy act, so I suggest you pipe the fuck down."

"Man whatever," Jason smacked his teeth and waved us off, pushing past Malik on his way out of the mosey circle.

"He ain't about it," Malik laughed to himself.

"And you shouldn't be either," I looked up towards him, as the crowd dispersed. We started walking to his house, not to far from school.

"Baby, I've been trying to work on it and you know this," he rubbed his face.

"Well you need to stop working on your behavior issues, and get over it completely. We have four months left our high school career and I'll be damned if you loose your scholarship."

"Damn girl, you're out here sounding like my mother," he laughed showing his beautiful teeth.

"My bad, but I can't let you do this to yourself," I pleaded with him.

"For you, I'll do anything," he said stopping in front of his house. I blushed hard as hell, making my cheeks burn red in the February temperatures. He leaned down and kissed my strawberry-colored nose. I smiled even harder.

"Come on and let's get you out of the cold," he grinned. My hips crushed against his shoulder as I was swung over it. I giggled as he walked us up the pathway to his house. 

He smacked my butt, making me giggle again before setting me on the couch. He went into the kitchen as I turned on BET Soul.

Lie together, cry together

I swear to God I hope we f***ing together. 

I turned to Malik as his head popped out from behind the refrigerator. He walked towards me leaving a soda on the table.

Back when I was nothing a
You made a brother feel like he was something.
That's why I'm with you to this day boo no fronting

He walked towards me rapping Method Man's verse. I smiled because this was our song.

Even when the skies were gray
You would rub me on my back and say baby, it'll be okay.
Now that's real to a brother like me.

I got off the couch walking closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me, swaying back and forth. He held his arm up and he smirked as I spun under him.

Like sweet morning dew
I took one look at you
And it was plain to see,
You are my destiny

I sang Mary J's part staring into his eyes. He tilted my chin up, capturing my lips into a sweet kiss.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

805 words!

Eh this is short.
I have more imagines coming, I just wanted to give y'all this.

Happy New Year's Eve! 🎉

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