Tried It~ August Alsina

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The girl in the pic's ig is @naturallytash. Warning! There's a lot of point-of-view switches. Enjoy!

"August, stoopppp!" I whined, to my half-naked fiancé. He only had basketball shorts on as I tried to make the two of us breakfast. He chuckled and moved his arms around my waist from behind.

"That's not what you were saying last night: 'Zaddy August, ooohhhhh yeah! RIGHT THERE!'" He imitated my moans from the previous night, a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" I gasped and playfully hit his arm.

"You don't gotta be shy baby girl. You just letting Daddy Aug know that he hit it right," he said humping me once from the back.

"Boi if you don't get-! Aug you ain't nobody's," I turned to him and put up finger quotes, "Daddy." He looked at me taken back. He turned me around to our kitchen island and bent me over so fast, I could only let out a gasp of shock.

"Apparently someone needs a reminder of who's who and what's what," he started grinding in between my upturned butt cheeks. He started changing his pace which really started messing with my mind. Damn I need to get back to breakfast.

"Aug stop ahh-, mmm stopppp," I tried to say firmly, but his hand snaked down and started rubbing me while still grinding. His other hand now holding back both of my arms.

"Girl, ya better stop all that moanin' fa I have to destroy ya ass... again," he thrusted once and then let my arms fall, leaving me with a loss of breath and wet panties. I slowly pushed myself up and back over to the counter.

After I finished making breakfast, which was chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, and eggs, I walked over to set it on the table.

"Damn babe, I didn't realize I fucked ya like that last night!" August said watching me walk. I looked down confused.

"What'cha mean Aug?"

"You're walking like someone shot you in ya leg, but I guess that's because of those back shots Auggie gave ya."

"You play too much," I said sliding his plate over towards him. We ate the rest of our food laughing and talking about my upcoming business trip. I looked at the time on my phone.

"Shit! It's getting late I have to go get packed," I explained giving August a quick peck on the cheek. I attempted to jog up the stairs, but my right leg gave out. My hand flew to the railing before I fell. The sound of laughter came from below. I looked down to see August bent over laughing his ass off.

"You look like ol' dude running away in "Friday", August said through laughter.

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