13 • Company~ Dillyn Troy

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"If you're from Africa, then why are you white?"

I chuckled lightly at the famous mean girl line that I had seen about 100 times. It was one of those boring Saturday nights. With nothing to do, I flopped on the couch with some snacks and a movie.

Even though I was super comfortable under this comforter, I was bored as fuck. So I decided to invite company. I picked up my phone to call my boyfriend, Dillyn.

Dillyn's POV

Popping champagne over here
Girl it ain't a thang over here
Throwing money fast over here
Blowing all this cash over here

I nodded my had to PnD's Over Here. My boys, Mac, Will, and Lorenzo sat in close proximity to me in a reserved section of the club. I listened to them as they talked about dumb shit as usual. I rolled my eyes and laughed at something that Will said. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I looked at the contact name:

Rayne-y Day 💦😍 wants to FaceTime

"Hold on real quick," I interrupted Mac, getting up from my seat. Once I got to a quiet hallway, I answered. After it connected, I saw Rayne on the sofa with a salmon colored tank top on that showed just a little cleavage.

"Hey, big head," she joked, laughing at my slight annoyance.

"Wassup Rainy," I retorted.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice," she looked down then back up with the right side of her lip turned into a smile.

"And what else...? What you want me to come over?" I ask smirking, she always does that when she wants something.

"Why would you think that?" she faked surprise. "But... If you did, there would be snacks waiting."

She smiled turning the camera around showing me the coffee table filled with snacks.

"You a trip," I chuckled at her silliness, "but I'll be there in about 15."

"Kk!" She cheesed into the camera before hanging up.

Rayne's POV

A smile remained on my face even after I hang up the phone. My baby was coming over and I wasn't going to be a lonely bitch anymore! I raised my arms in triumph.

"Oh shit!" I started coughing a bit. I wasn't a funky person, but I wasn't the freshest at this point in time. I quickly jumped up from my comfortable position and rushed to the bathroom.

After I freshened up, brushed my teeth, and reapplied lotion. I plopped back on the couch with about a minute to spare. My breathing was a little ragged because I ran down the stairs after rushing through the house.

*Ding Dong* The doorbell rang. Wtf, He's a minute early!

I tried to calm my breathing down before opening the door.

"Hey Rain-, why you out here panting and shit? You don't got no lil ass boys in here that I gotta beat, do you?" He asked, sticking his neck to look around my house. I giggled at his antics.

"How stupid do you think I am?" He smirked, knowing I wouldn't cheat on him, "I wouldn't ask you to come over while I was doing the do with somebody else."

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