Reservation~ August Alsina

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"Stop, we have to go," I slapped his hand away from my hip. He pouted at me through our dresser's mirror.

"Why would you want to go out to eat, when I can just eat you out?" He asked chuckling at his own play on words. His fingers traced the ends of my towel, inching dangerously close to the top of my thighs. I squinted at him back through the mirror.

"Move," I said trying to open a drawer to get my underwear out.

"What if I don't want to?" he slithered one arm into the opening between my elbows and my waist and the other was placed on my back, making me bend me over. He pressed himself into my backside which was now only partially covered by my towel.

"Move," I said again, "We have to leave soon." He started to roll his hips into mine.

"Now!" I hissed. He stood back up and I pushed him back with my hand. I put on my fuchsia lace bra and panties set and turned around to see him biting his lip on the edge of the bed, still in just boxers.

"August..." I trailed off in a warning tone.

"Bree...". I sighed

"Can you just get ready? The reservations are in an hour."

"Alright, baby girl," he stood up kissing me on the cheek. He slapped my ass before getting his clothes and heading into the bathroom.

"Why'd you go to the bathroom," I called after him.

"Cause you're a fucking distraction," he said. I laughed before putting tonight's outfit on.


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August's POV
"Do you have a reservation?"

"Alsina." The hostess looked down and tapped at her iPad for a few seconds.

"Umm sorry, but your reservation was held between 8 o'clock and 8:10. It's currently 8:13 so, I'm afraid we have to give your table to another person who's been waiting patiently," she explained smiling like shit was funny.

"Oh hell nah," Bree whispered from behind me. Before the hostess began to walk over to the waiting couches to get the next person, I gently grabbed her wrist making her turn around slightly. She looked at her wrist, up to my eyes, then back her wrist.

"Ok you can stop playing now," I gave a slight laugh as I let go of her wrist, "We have a reservation."

"You had a reservation. You're late, the next person gets your table. It's policy," she shrugged her shoulders.

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