Chapter I - Changing?

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Note: Just a minor warning, this is my very first short story ever written. I wrote this when I was about 14 years old. Please remember that this story is currently not up to date. I am slowly editing the entire story so please do not comment on my grammatical errors. I am fully aware of these mistakes and am currently working to fix them. Please note that all of these chapters are rough drafts so they won't be ideal.


Your body was compressed against the solid wall. His bare hands wrapped around the stem of your neck violently squeezing the air from your lungs. Tears welled from the corners of your eyes as they rushed down your face and onto the carpet beneath you. Gasping for oxygen, his grasp only tightened at your struggles. Raising one of his hands you take a blow to the face. Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek. He repeats. You didn't even think you could outlast the next couple of blows you knew coming your way. A sadist smirk crawls its way onto his plump pink lips. You felt the need to stand your ground, but you couldn't do anything about it, he just kept hitting you as you hung there, feet off the ground, hand around your neck as you took in all the excruciating pain. About five minutes afterward he had finished his work. His hand left your neck, forcing your warm body to tumble onto the floor. Wincing at the impact, you mustered up all of the strength you had backing up and into the wall distancing yourself away from him. Taking fast heavy breaths, he took steps backward until collapsing onto the sofa directly across the room from you. He sat watching your precise movements with a flustered look. His body slugged low as his breathing slowed down. You could not bare to look at him. He looked down, taking in the blood smears on his hands and knuckles. Spread across the wall and carpet around you.

Sluggishly he glared up at you examining your badly bruised up face from a length. Blood fell from your noise while your eye throbbed poorly. Bruises were prominent on your fragile face. Your body shook with immense fear and frustration. His jaw clasped together just as tears outlined his eyes.

"I don't mean to hurt you, you know." He hesitates. "It just happens. It's like you're the one to cause my anger somehow." He announced only for it to come off as a question.

He was doing this on purpose. He doesn't need to intentionally lie to my face.

Speechless you knew nothing else but to cry. It hurt to know that he blamed all of this on you. Maybe you might be able to claim responsibility in some of it just because it's a two partner relationship, but it has nothing to do with his actions.

So how could he say something like that?

You've only remembered to unconditionally love and provide for him. Never have you ever gotten into heated arguments throughout most of the previous years. Your sobs echoed around the room growing violently.

"Talk to me." His voice demanding and controlling.

You shook your head burying it deep into the pits of your hands. Your knees popped up in front of you as you leaned on it for support. Your body shook terribly from the previous encounters that had just occurred moments ago.

"Talk to me!" He seethed. His voice growing deeper and stronger by the second. Flinching at the sudden tone in his voice his jaw loosened and tightened. His knuckles turned pale as he squeezed them together.

Chresanto took long strides in your direction. Instinctively you tried moving further back only to remember your back is already touching the wall. Your heart raced at every step he took to stand in front of you. You were completely trapped yet captivated by him. There was no way out. There was never a way out with him.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now