Chapter IV - You Tell Me

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Song : Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding


    "We need to get you a professional." You thought strolling over towards the bed.

    "Hell no, I'm not crazy."

    "Your bi-polar as hell. One minute your all happy with me and the next your like Godzilla wanting to tear everything to shreds."

    He just gave you a blank look.

    "At least think about a therapist or something."

    "I don't need a therapist." He denied.

    "You might want to change but you need help as well. It's either a therapist or I'm sending you to rehab. Pick one and choose wisely. This is the only way I could stay with you. To know your getting better not worse." You stated determinedly.

    He exhales pinching the bridge of his nose as he leans his back against the wall. Slowly, you take your jeans and tank top off reaching for the drawer besides you for your pajamas.

    "What are doing?" He asked curiously. His eyes now following my movements. You looked up at him. He is staring directly at your breasts. You rock back and forth on the heels of your feet uncomfortably making it noticeable that you feel embarrassed, he looks up at you.

    "I'm just changing into my pajamas." You say hesitantly picking up a pair of sweat pants from the dresser beside you.

    "Wait." He responds. He starts over in your direction.

    "What?" You ask as he's already standing before you.

    Hastily, he picks up up, yelping out of surprise. "What are you doing!" You shouted in bewilderment. He sprawls you across the bed jumping on top of you. Your faces just centimeters apart. Your breath hitched at the heat radiating off of you both. His lips came close to your ear. You bit your lip preparing yourself for something you haven't expected in a while.

    "What I need to do to you. Make love to you again and again and again." He glides his lips over your bare neck were he gently places soft and irresistible kisses quickly sucking before he glides his lips to your ear lobes. On your right ear lobe he tugs gently with his teeth as a tingling sensation runs throughout your body making you shutter. Enjoying the tingling sensation of his teeth tugging across your ear lobes. He leaves your ear lobe making you whimper at the loss of contact before slowly making his way up to your lips. His lips linger just above yours. His soft hazel eyes already locked on yours. He runs his fingertips up your forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps blooming. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb running along the curve of your delicate and fragile cheekbone. You relaxed into his hand, feeling the warmth seep into you. Chresanto leaned in, lips parting slightly, his eyes drifting down to rest on yours once more. His kiss was soft, but urgent. Your lips moved in unison at the blissful sensation coursing through your body. Your hands pushed at his chiseled chest. He looked down lustfully into your eyes but was masked with confusion.

    "I'm still mad at you." You mentioned before anything got any more heated.

    "Babydyou know I could change that. I could be very persuasive." He bit back kissing the corners of your lip.

    He inched closer to your face flipping you over so you could straddle him. You plant small gentle kisses on his jawline nibbling lightly after adding pressure. He groaned holding your hip bone in place. A hand found its way to the back of your shirt soon sliding up as you crash your lips down lustfully onto his. At the contact he parts his mouth letting you slide your tongue in colliding with each others. His hands fiddle with your bra strap before he unlatches it. He smirks beneath the kiss as his hand reaches for your breasts playing with the nipple.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now