Chapter X - Earned It

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Walking into the restaurant hand in hand we stood behind a booth as a young lady stood with the most bored expression.

" Do you have a reservation? " She asked politely.

" Yes. My name is Chresanto August. " He replied, his voice monotone.

She typed onto the computer. Her eyes scanning over the screen before looking back at us. She stood from her booth insisting us to follow her.

" Right this way. " She spoke. Her hips swaying as she walked. Her jet black hair stopping at her lower back.

Showing us to our table she told us the waiter will be coming in shortly. As she left the lights illuminating the restaurant glimmered against Chresanto's caramel skin in all the right places. Thinking to yourself you could play a little game with him. Moving your legs over to his you rubbed up and down them making his eyes focus on you instead of the menu. His eyes filled with a lustful emotion while he licked his lips.

" Baby? " He called out. His voice almost strangled.

" Yeah. " You said innocently.

" I know what your doing. So I think you should stop before I fuck you on this table in front of everyone. " His face giving away nothing. Was he actually serious?

You gulped silently. " You wouldn't? " You urged on.

" Oh just try me love. " He smirked wickedly before going back to reading the menu.

Your cheeks flushed looking down at your lap then back at him. He held a smirk knowing you were looking at him.

Finally the waiter came to take our orders. As he takes them it comes back in about 30 minutes. Chresanto and you make conversation for the time being.

Coming up with an idea you grabbed your glass of wine "accidentally" spilling it on your dress to where your breasts are. Your nipples harden at the unexpected coolness through the dress. Looking down they poke through it.

" Baby? " You call seductively. He looks over at you speechlessly. " I spilled wine on my dress by accident. " You flutter your eyelashes innocently.

" Really. " He croaked. His lips drying from them being open for to long.

Taking your fingers you swiped them over the wet stains putting it in your mouth as you licked your fingers.

" This wine taste delicious doesn't it. " You smirked tasting your fingers again. You showed him your fingers. " Want to taste? " You ask wickedly.

He put both the fork and knife down fixing his tie. Clearing his throat he bit his lower lip taking it in all at once.

" Yn, don't do this right now. " He spoke lowly. He couldn't control himself as I noticed his uncomfortably shifting in place.

" Why? " You bit your lip rubbing on his leg. " Chresanto. " You purred it sounded as almost a quiet whimper.

" You might think you know me but you don't know all of me. " He spoke rather harshly.

You looked at him confused. " What's that suppose to mean?" You asked shortly after.

He pulled your chair closer to his. Your both on opposite sides but he manages to get you closer to him. His hands separate your legs running over your lace panties.

" Your about to find out. " He snarled greedily. His fingers stroke your sex. Your sex throbs at the increase of him stroking it. You bite your lip to control your moans. You panties start to soak as he sticks a finger slips inside of you. You gasp gripping the corners of the table. Some people gaze over at you worriedly.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now