Chapter VII - How Could You?

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    Months past by, You & Chresanto's relationship grew closer than it was months ago. Everything felt as good is it could have ever been maybe even better. Every second has been spent with the both you. Here and there they were arguments of course but nobodies relationship is perfect. Chresanto has changed throughout these past months and you could say he's back to his normal goofy self. Its good to have him back, plus today's your 3 year anniversary with him.

    ∞ July 1, 2013

    Your eyes fluttered open at the bright light illuminating your bedroom. Facing the digital clock settling upon the wooded drawer it read 7:27 am. Groaning you turned back around facing a snoring Chresanto. Smiling to yourself you leaned down pecking his lips rubbing his bare chest. He shivered at the touch making you giggle. His eyes voluntarily opened up to you groaning at the sight of you playfully. Pulling you closer to his body he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck pecking at the bare skin.

    "Good morning handsome." You spoke quietly tracing your fingers on the bare of his chest again.

    "Good morning beautiful." He replied softly. Shifting his weight to be eye level with you, he immediately attached his plump lips to yours. You moaned involuntarily earning a small smile in the kiss from him.

    His hands found your waist pulling at the waistband of your shorts making a harsh sound erupt through the room. A whimper left your lips. Detaching lips you sat up touching your bottom lip.

    "Guess what's today?" You asked waiting for his answer.

    He sat up rubbing his face before speaking. "Um .. July 4th?"

    "No silly." I replied shifting over to sit directly on his lap. " What's today? " Your voice low as you leaned into him. His hand immediately finding your bum in his large hands.

    "The day I fuck the shit out of you." His voice becoming hoarse as his lips find your neck delicately kissing at it like its the last piece of chocolate on earth.

    "Seriously." You laughed quietly pulling away slightly to look down at him.    

    He kept quiet for what seemed like hours. His face was blank as you expectantly waited for an answer but it never came. Your face changed dramatically at him for not remembering their own anniversary.

Did he seriously forget? No .. he couldn't of.

    Quietly you got up from his lap and sat down besides him. Your legs underneath your bum as your hands press against the silk material around you. His head laid lazily against the head board as he stared at you.

    "You really don't know what today is do you?" Your voice quieter with every word you spoke. He shook his head no.

    "Nah if it was something important I'm pretty sure I would remember." He stated before pecking your forehead and stalking off towards the bathroom down the hall.

I can't believe it. He doesn't even remember our anniversary and on top of that he doesn't even think its important enough for him to remember. Son of a bitch.

    You let out a frustrated breath as you strolled towards the second bathroom downstairs. Eventually approaching the door you slammed the door shut with your back pressed against the wooden surface. Tears brimmed your eyes as you took the time to undress and shower.

    Meanwhile as you were taking a shower you thought maybe this entire relationship was just a joke to him but then again if it was he wouldn't have changed for you. Shutting the shower off you stepped out of the bathtub wrapping yourself with a violet towel.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now