Chapter III - You Never Know

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Chresanto slapped you square in the face just seconds ago. Rayan looked up at him just to be directly punched in the face as well. Rayan swung only for Chresanto to dodge just as it came. Chresanto put his hands up in a defensive stance as he swung at Rayan, his fist collided with his jawline as the sounds of banging was the only noise running through the house. Rayan fell back instantly at the strike landing him on the floor. Chresanto jumped on top of him punching him with both his fists. His hands became bloodied at Rayan's state. His body was soon becoming limp, but he recovered a little pushing Chesanto off his body with all his strength quickly stumbling out the door. You stood by the wall holding your throbbing cheek still shocked by Chresanto hitting you again as well as the fight. He soon spat on the ground rubbing his face and stalking over towards you. He yanked you up by the collar of your shirt. Your feet dangling higher than it was when Rayan lifted you.

"How could you?" He shouted in your face. His breathing increasing rapidly.

"I didn't want to. Rayan choked me against the wall." You tried to explain but he wouldn't buy it.

"Yeah right and he sucked my left nut too." He spat, his voice full of sarcasm.

"I swear to god he did Chresanto. I can't believe you don't even believe me." I was shocked at his assumption. How can he not believe me? Out of all people.

"Trust and believe because I won't." He shot back, his eyes never leaving mine. You shivered at the uncomfortable stare.

"Fine, don't believe me." I bit back. Soon enough you bit his hand. He dropped you groaning while looking at his hand. You rushed out of the living room.

"Where the hell do you think your going?" He yelled, heavy on your trail.

You just ignored him walking further down the hall and into your room. Santo followed directly behind you. You glanced back noticing his body slump with aggravation. He shouted after you plenty of times but you continued to ignore. Flopping onto the bed you bury your head deep into the pillows. In just mere seconds Chresanto grabs you from your position shaking you up. You grimace at his behavior before shaking out of his arms.

"You heard me calling your fucking name so answer me the next time I fucking call you." He hollered at you.

"Fuck you I don't have to listen to you anymore." You cried out. Your voice strained from yelling for the past two days.

"I'm trying so hard not to hit you right now." He seethed.

"You already did, remember." You reminded him, touching your cheek.

"I swear to god." His jaw clenched as he talked through his teeth.

"What? You gonna hit me again like how you always do." I spoke stimulating the tension.

"Stop before I lose my shit and beat you to a fucking pulp. I don't want to do it but your pushing my buttons intentionally." His voice sounds strained as it becomes dangerously low.

"Believe me yet!" You retaliated.

"No I don't and I won't. I don't even think I can ever trust you again!" He sneered at you. His face twisting into the worst frown.

"Just because he kissed me Chresanto. Really? You can't be fucking serious! I didn't even kiss him purposefully, it was by force you dipshit. And don't you dare act like you have never cheated on me before. You made more mistakes that I've ever made in our entire relationship. Remember sleeping with my best-friend and got that damn bitch pregnant! Your lucky her ass got an abortion because we would be struggling with child support money. Your lucky I was willing enough to come back to you because if I didn't I wouldn't be here loving your ass like a married fucking couple, but just when it comes to me making a fucking mistake that wasn't even mine to make its like the end of the fucking world. Well guess what Santo, believe me because I am so done with your bullshitty actions. I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do or you don't believe so you know what fuck you and your life." You were out of breath by the end of your rant.

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