Chapter V - The Truth and Nothing But The Truth

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    Abruptly you woke up, your body aching terribly. Memories from last night flooded through your mind as you bite your lip softly. Peering over to your side Chresanto lays upon the bed peacefully. His breathing is steady as you pecked his forehead softly. Slipping from the bed covers, you rushed from the room and into the bathroom. Half an hour later, you were fresh out the shower as you made your way down to the kitchen cooking up some breakfast for the both of you.

    Minutes past by quickly as you rummaged for plates to set the breakfast on. Easily sliding the foods onto the plates a soft knock upon the wood diverted your attention from the food. Chresanto laid his body against door frame smirking slightly. Black basketball shorts hung low enough to reveal his v-line. Biting your lip softly as you starred, his body stood up from the door frame while he gracefully made his way to you. His hips swinging beautifully. Averting your eyes from his body to meet his own lustful eyes, he was only inches away from you. Quickly pulling him closer to you, you hastily smashed your lips against his. Immediately his hands found your waist bringing you closer to him. His teeth grazed and tugged at your bottom lip roughly. Being the first to break away, breathlessly a smile tugged at your lips resting your head on his firm chest.

"Good morning." He rasped inaudibly. His head leaning against the top of yours.

    "Good morning." You uttered back, gently stroking his defined abs. Briskly changing the subject he shoved past you."Take a shower nigga."

    Pushing at his back you crossed your arms in front of your chest. A pout forming at your lips as you glared up at him. Amused as he was he mustered a laugh.

    "I already did musty ass. Why don't you?" You retorted snickering slightly.

    "Oh shut up will you." He grabbed his plate from behind you to sit down.

    Sticking you tongue out he laughed a deep laugh as it rumbled from the depths of his chest and around the kitchen. You smiled back in reply to grab your plate of food beginning to eat along with him. After some time you both had talked throughout breakfast as it escalated into a complete utter yet comfortable silence between the two of you.

    "Damn it's already three o'clock. How long have we been talking?" He asked setting his plate in the sink along with yours.

    "Who knows?" You shrug, your back facing the counter as you looked at him across from you.

    "I think we should go out today." He said more to himself.

    "I guess I mean I hate staying in this house all the time." You rubbed the side of your arm.

    "But I want it to be spectacular." He added quietly.

    "Oh my God." You shouted quiet loudly.

    "What? What's wrong?" He asked frantically making his way around the counter to hold your hand in his.

    Trying to control your laughter it failed horribly. "You .. Your u-using big words I've never known you even knew." You smiled widely.

    Shaking his head he gripped your waist lifting you over his shoulder. Squealing from the unexpected occurrence you swatted at his back.

    "Put me down!" You suppressed a giggle while he jumped up and down.

    "Say sorry you ass or you won't get down." He explained laughing at your failing attempts.

    "Never! You'll never get me to stop!" You screeched at the unexpected running coming from Chresanto.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now