Chapter IX - Love Me Like You Do

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     His hand is connected with yours as you two make your way into the bathroom. He pulls away to turn on the water. As it heats up a mist from the running water builds in the room. Stepping into the shower he repeats the same. Briskly shutting the curtains the water runs down both your naked and exhausted bodies. He watches you pour body wash on a cloth scrubbing down your body from top to bottom. He does the same as you watch him. Eventuate you both finish just standing their as the water hits your bodies. A droplet falls down the side of Chresanto's face. A smile creeps onto your lips as you lean in to kiss him but he dodges on purpose. You pout.

     "Gimme a kiss." You say as if your a little girl.
     He shakes his head. "No."
     "Please baby." You plead softly.
     "No." His voice monotone.

     Sighing gently you bring your head down starring down at your naked legs and bare feet. "You hate me don't you." You spoke sadly.

     Soft fingers brushed against your chin lifting it up. Your eyes caught sight of his looking deeply into yours. "Baby I don't hate you." He replied.

     "Then prove it. Kiss me." You said wrapping your arms around his neck. He inched closer, closing the gap between you with your lips entwined.

     Smirking triumphantly in the kiss he deepened it. His arms holding you in place. Pulling away he peered down at your beauty.

     "Told you." He said breathlessly. You hugged him instantly while he hugged back.

He pulled away to shut the running water off. You step out of the shower first handing him a silk towel. He wraps it around his waist waking out the door with you. Stepping foot into the room you both apply lotion to yourself quickly getting dressed.

You wore a medium strapless blue dress stopping mid-thigh. The ends opened up in a bridal way. You wore black pumps to go along with it.

Chresanto wore a tuxedo. It was elegant as it came with a matching blue tie and black dress shoes. We basically matched as if we were the cutest couple out there and I mean we are duh !

Staring at yourself in the mirror you danced around in your dress. Chresanto came up behind you holding your waist. Your back pressed against his front as his head rested on the top of your head.

" You look absolutely stunning. " He complimented. His eyes gazing upon me in the glass mirror.

You smiled respectfully. " Thank you baby. It means a lot. "

" I just can't wait to get you out of that dress. " He licked his lips hungrily as he looked me up and down.

Slapping my arms across his chest I said, " Way to ruin the moment. "

He just laughed noisily. My nostrils flared as I shook my head. It died down quicker then I thought. He took my hand in his softly rubbing the spot beneath my thumb.

" You know I love you baby. " He purred brushing his lips magically against mine. You nodded increasing the pleasure

He pulled away taking in his bottom lip.

" I have a handsome boyfriend. " You spoke confidently.

" And I have the most breath taking, wonderful girlfriend a man can ever ask for. "

" Damn you have to describe me like that. "

" What I can't speak the truth? "

You grinned widely at his statement. He always had a way with his words.

He leans in leaving long slipping kisses along your neck. You stick your tongue out laughing while pushing him away.

" Stop. " You laughed.

" Right I gotta wait till tonight. "


Chresanto pulls up to what seems like a restaurant. A fancy one at that. You were going to say something to him but you realize he's not in the drivers seat anymore, he's standing by your door. His hand is out for you to take. Stepping out and taking his hand, you gazed at him with the most shocked expression.

" How could you afford this? "

" I take that as offensive. " He glared at me coldly.

" Sorry. " You mumbled taking your hand from his.

Clearing his throat he says, " It's alright. But the answer to the question is that I have my ways with things. " He looked down at my hand effortlessly swaying by my side. " Shall we? " He asked.

Genuinely smiling I clamped my hand against his rough yet welcoming hand. He smiled reassuringly as we both started for the restaurant stationed in the distance.

His Way Of Love (Under Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now