My Grandmother And That Damn Poodle

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{Colette P.O.V.}

It's been a couple hours since I got home and I can't get what Ryder did out of my mind. The image of his face is still stamped in my mind. There was an expression I was so familiar with etched on his face, pain.

Why would he cause so much pain to himself? Why would he ruin a perfectly good wrist? I don't understand.

I could try to understand.

I slip the blade that's still wet with his blood from my pocket. I stare at it until I'm familiar with every spot of blood.

I slowly lift my skirt, revealing my smooth and unharmed skin. I press the already soaked blade down and breath in before sliding it a good two or three inches.

Hot blood flows out but it's not pain that I feel anymore, it's a weird but pleasant numbness. But it's gone just as soon a it started.

I stand and look at my work in the mirror. I see a trail of blood running down my leg at and rapid pace. I look up at my face and see the tears, I didn't even realize I was crying.

I clean up the blood with toilet paper from the bathroom before flushing it down. I don't want my grandmother seeing the blood. I bandage my leg so more blood doesn't come out. I lost so much blood, I'll have to remember not to go as deep next time. Wait. Next time?

I looked in the bathroom mirror.

"Will there be a next time?" I ask myself.

"Colette! Time for dinner sweetheart!" My grandmother says.

I wash my hands again before walking out into the kitchen to see my grandmother flipping pancakes. Yep. We eat breakfast for dinner. Don't judge.

The damn poodle, Fluffy, is running circles around my grandmother, it's a wonder how my grandmother hasn't tripped yet.

She sets down the plates she already stacked high with the buttery frisbees.

"Oh hun, what's wrong?" She asks, obviously my face looks like a blotchy mess.

"Grandmother, I made a friend but he has many problems that he sees with himself but I don't see anything but perfection."

The dog starts yipping at us and trying to get to the pancakes.

"Why don't you make him see that, you are friends aren't you?" The way she says it makes me realize I really do care about him. I need him to stay in my life.

I sit down with my grandmother and eat my pancakes while I debate what to do next with Ryder.

I toss a pancake to the dog when my grandmother isn't looking just so she would stop that horrible high pitched noise.

He's hiding something.

I know he is.

And I'm going to find out just exactly what that is.

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