Those Stairs Is Where I'll Be Hiding All My Problems

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{Colette P.O.V.}

We walked through the front door half carrying and half dragging Ryder, he's not fat or anything, underweight if that, he's just too heavy for a small French girl and her grandmother to carry. We gently let him down on the couch where he groaned in pain due to his ribs.

"Sorry" I say before getting him a blanket and pillow., " You'll have to sleep here for now until we can clear out the bedroom cause it's hard for an older lady and, you know," I put my hand over my stomach, I wasn't showing but I knew he or she was in there.

"I like this couch, take as much time as you need baby." He looked my body up and down and I could feel my face flush. He bit his lip and my grandmother walked back in.

"I don't need another baby, stop looking at each other like that." She said.

"But I'm-" she cuts me off.

"Don't question me child. Just don't do it." She smiles reassuringly and takes my hand. "You and I both know we need to have a talk, with Ryder, and now is the best of times to do it so let's get on with it."

"There's going to be expenses, Colette you can get a job that has light duty and Ryder can get a job after he heals. You'll need to pay for clothes, a crib, bottles, milk, toys, and let's not forget the hospital bill for this child. You need to figure out names and both of you will go to each appointment. You'll need to go to classes and figure out s birth plan." We look at her dumbfounded. "Don't worry I'll watch the baby and Colette, wear baggy clothes until five months, then you'll be out of school and it won't be too bad. I'll cover half of all expenses so you don't have to worry too much, you're just lucky I've saved some money."

We look at her and suddenly Ryder begins to speak.

"I'll love it if it's a boy but I kinda want a girl.. I want her to be a daddy's girl." He smiles and in turn that makes me smile.

"Selena." I say.

"I like that." He smiled and took my hand, " What about Oliver for a boy?"

"I love it."

"Okay one thing done on the seven hundred things you need to do, Colette get busy looking for jobs." My grandmother said, ruining the moment.

She walked towards the kitchen saying," I'm going to make a pie so don't bother me."

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