Are You In?

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{Colette P.O.V.}

He seemed so upset. I can't get the conflicted look he gave me out of my head.

My teacher drones on and on about pointless stuff I already know.

I shift in my seat and give an interested look towards the board even though in reality I'm dying. And Ryder is the one slowly killing me.

I find myself slowly drifting into a daydream.


"Ryder!" I giggle. "What are you doing?!"

He's sneaking up on my grandmothers damn poodle but acting like a ninja even tho he's neither silent nor stealthy.

The poodle looks at him dead in the eye as he pretends to fight back her 'evil henchmen'.

"Haha, evil poodle. You're forces are strong, but not strong enough!" He says ignoring my question.

He leaps at the poodle when-


"Are you even listening?" The teacher asks, judging by her look I'd say she's been trying to get my attention for multiple seconds.

"No." I quickly answer. There's no point in lying.

"Well then you wouldn't mind leading the class today considering you think you're so smart you don't need the lesson." She says with an evil smirk. I hear a few classmates snicker to themselves. Where was Ryder with his ninja skills that only exist in my mind?

"Well, if you insist." I say before silently standing up with my textbook.

"The American Revolutionary War had its origins in the resistance of many Americans to taxes, which they claimed were unconstitutional, imposed by the British parliament. Patriot protests escalated into boycotts, and on December 16, 1773, the destruction of a shipment of tea at the Boston Tea Party." I read. I close the text book. "The British government punished Massachusetts by closing the port of Boston and taking away self-government. The Patriots responded by setting up a shadow government that took control of the province outside of Boston. Twelve other colonies supported Massachusetts, formed a Continental Congress to coordinate their resistance, and set up committees and conventions that effectively seized power from the royal governments." I say looking the teacher dead in the eye.

"The bad thing was the British government thought they knew everything. When they don't know anything about the good old U.S. Of A." I sit back in my seat and look at her expectantly while everyone looks at me with wide eyes. What? I read ahead.


Later that day, after school, I lay on my bed and listen to some Panic! At The Disco. while reading an AP mag.

My grandmother walks in and sits on the edge of the bed. "Colette, do you love this boy?"

Well that was blunt and straightforward.

"I-I think so.." I say and look up slowly.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"It's not that simple." I say to her, she's never been in this position, wait. Maybe she has.

She looks at me with knowing eyes.

"Sometimes I wish I had just told him without dragging it out."

I laugh loudly, "Its been what- a week? Two?" I'm shaking with laughter. "I'm not dragging anything out!"

"You are if you love him." She says before announcing dinner then proceeding to leave.

I'm not making the first move this time.

Every time I do, I fuck up.

I will love you till I dieWhere stories live. Discover now