We All Learn To Make Mistakes

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Before I write this chapter I want to thank everyone who has read this, especially CalebNGonsalves and phantomfandomgirl12 , they're my two biggest readers and without them I'm sure I wouldn't have finished this. They were patient and supportive when I was going through rough times with either my family or just the things in my head that delayed chapters so I want to thank them even though that will never truly display my full thanks. So, without me rambling any longer, here's the last chapter...

{Colette P.O.V.}

It's been a few months since Ryder left.

I've stayed away from him like I promised. After about a week of crying the pain away I felt myself getting stronger, and after a couple of months talking with my grandmothers friend I feel happier.

I've seen him around with these people, two guys and a girl.

He moved on quickly. I see him holding hands with the redhead, and strangely, I'm not hurt he moved on, I'm happy that he looks relaxed. This was definitely the best for both of us.

I started hanging out with a new group of people too. They're nice to me and they're next to no drama, heaven knows that's what I needed.

I don't see the point in a relationship right now. I'm not emotionally ready. I'm going to wait until after I get into college and figure out my life.

But for now I'm doing good.

{Ryder P.O.V.}

I sit next to Jordan in the small diner. His hand is on my thigh and I look at him smiling. We're sitting across from Jace and Evelyn, both of them laughing at a joke Jordan made.

I've been getting better, for the past few months I've been letting myself forget Colette, now she's a memory that only appears in my mind every once in a while.

My relationship with Jordan wasn't official until a couple of weeks ago but before that it was open flirting coming from both of us.

I'm taking this relationship slow. There's no need to rush this.

I'm doing good now.

Now I know everything gets better. I understand that. And I feel that's a huge step towards a good life.

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