No End

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The dance of finger tips

Lacing up and down

5 strings of woe

5 hearts of hope

Strum chord 1 for the start

Strum chord 2 for the middle

And 3 to never end

Come'n and dance with me

You've got nothin' to lose

All I need is some sweat on the brow

And a shaken loose pair o'hips

'Cause we've got a start

We sure as hell have a middle

Lightning strike me down

We'll never find the end

As long as we juke

And never stop jivin'

You and me, the

sun'll never set

Collectin' sugar till I'm sweet

Dance to the beat of the greasy

Until we're swept off our feet

'Cause we've had a start

And we're in the middle

The dawn of the end won't find us

As long as we dance

To that fallen angel's fiddle


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