Chapter 21: Mid- Life

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Chapter 21: Mid- Life

   Carter's POV

                     As Dennis, Bryan, Jared and myself enter the room we saw Wyatt and Trevor talking to each other while they had a cast on their leg and their right arm was broken too. Since we are werewolves it will heal quicker. I give it two days the maximinum. The look on their faces when they were talking like whatever. Who cares if we have broken body parts.

     Hey Alpha. Trevor says

   What up Carter. Wyatt says

   For two guys who got beaten up by vampires you seem to  be acting calm about this. I said

    It's whatever. They both said

       I rolled my eyes as the rest of the guys walked over to them and gave them high waves with the not broken arm. Man why is everyone so cool when they just get attack. This is so weird. I am starting to get freaked out.

      So how you guys feeling? Jared asked

    Alright. It hurts if we move but hey we did brake our bones. Wyatt says

    Yah we can feel the pain but we are fast healers so it's okay. Trevor answers

    And we were worried for you guys. Next time we won't give a damn because you losers don't take this serious. Dennis teased

    They care for us Wyatt. Trevor says wiping a tear making us all laugh

    All of the sudden two nurse come inn talking and organizing files. I over heard their conversation well I didn't over hear I eavesdropped the conversation.

     Yah it's sad. Her twin brother is taking it the worse. One or the nurse says

     The worse part doctor's don't know if she will ever wake up. The other nurse says

       Yah poor girl. Plus her family must be frighten about this. Who knows if she will make it. The first nurse says


     Excuse miss. I said

   Yes? The second nurse says

    Who were you talking about? I asked

    We can't talk other's patients business here. The first nurse says

       Well I want to know if your talking about my good friend Scarlet Wilson. I said

   Your friends with her? The second nurse says

   Childhood friends. I lied

        Well if you know her then this must hurt you to say she might not make it. The first one says

   WHAT! WHY!! I yelled

    She is in coma with a bad head concussion. We lucky enough to get enough blood for her to get inn her. Scarlet did have a heart attack which led her to fall down stairs. Doctors have no sign when she will wake up.  The second nurse says

         My heart sank in pain. I wanted just to die. Do something to wake her up. I looked up at the nurse and said " Is she going to die?"

    Doctors don't know, but my opinion she will. There aren't no signs she will wake up. There is one sign left, but doctors doubt it. The first nurse says

  Which is? Dennis asked

    Her brother Stefan. If he feels the pain like someone brutally beaten then she is dead. Since Stefan hasn't felt that yet she is still alive. The second  nurse says

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