My...Not So Perfect Life

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Hi this is the first time I've written one of my stories on watt pad so yeah...I hope you enjoy it


Chapter 1

Alice's P.O.V

It was the first day of senior year and I was literally jumping up and down. " Calm down Alice. It's not like anything new is going to happen!" exclaimed my best friend Jessica. "True, but still I can't believe at the end of this year we'll be leaving off to college!" "I know right! I am sooo excited." We were in the middle of deciding what to wear when my mum bustled in the room. "Girls, you better hurry up because your running late." "We know mum, but me and Jess really want to make an entrance!" I complained "Well you guys better hurry up on that." With that my mum walked out of the door.

"What do you think I should wear? I mean, I really want to impress Josh!" "Well just put something comfortable on. Something that looks nice but not too fancy." "Okay...But what if- I cut Jess off before she could finish her sentence. "No buts, okay? Just wear something because were never going to catch the bus now!" "Okay okay okay. I will." " what should I wear Jess? Should I....wear some skinny jeans? Or maybey a mini mini skirt probaly doesn't fit me anymore. I'll just wear my skinny jeans, a singlet and a leather jacket with my converses." Jess shrugged and continued to do her make-up.

Jess and I walked downstairs and grabbed a sandwhich and a bottle of water each. As we walked outside I noticed something disappearing in the distance."Oh my gosh Jess...." "What?" "We just missed our bus!" "Oh no..we are going to be dead...Come on lets try catch up to it." We ran and ran until we gave up. "My mum was right, we were going to be late." I said "Oh well we'll just tell our teacher that you're brother came in you're room last night and changed your alarm to 7:30am when you actually had it on 7:00am." "Good idea."

We walked into the school grounds and headed to out lockers. " are you and Josh?" I asked Jess as we were getting all our books out. "Were fine.Why?" "Just wondering." "You're still jealous aren't you?" "Well..." I couldn't find the words to say so I just blurted something out. "I was just asking because you're soo lucky that you're going out with like, one of the most popular boys in the whole school! And I feel really sad because you never really spend that much time with me now." I think I might of said that way to fast that it took 1 or 2 minutes for Jess to reply. "Okay..Well I'll just ask someone out for you. I mean who would say no to you? You are sooo pretty and smart and everything!" "No I'm not. What makes you think that?" Right then some boys walked past and wolf whistled me and said that I looked hot today. "You see...They were doing that to you not me."said Jess. "Just because I have a crush on someone and that boys think I'm pretty doesn't mean that the guy I like will actually go out with me!" I exclaimed and smiled like a dork because I won the argument.  "Whatever, we better get a move on." "Okay...Bye Jess see you at lunch ok?" "Sure thing...Bye!"

I made it to the classroom while Mrs. Gregory (my maths teacher) was giving us a lecture about something which no one paid attention to because it is one of the most boring subjects in school. Then finally she said "Remember class, next week you have a test. So make sure you study." Everyone groaned except one person (whos name I don't know) who was seriously happy. "Class dismissed." Everyone quickly got all their stuff and left the room. Ahhh....Lunch. Anyways I better go find Jess. I was waiting for Jess outside her class but her class wasn't let out yet. So I waited and waited and waited. Finally they were let out. I saw Josh walking out of the classroom so I grabbed his arm and asked "Hey Josh, you know where Jess is?" I asked "Ummm..I don't know Alice.....she wasn't in class today." He replied simply and walked off.

Okay, where would Jess be? After around 15 minutes of searching I found Jess in a corner with another guy making out. "Ehem." Yes. Thats all I said. Jess quickly looked up and blushed then said "Alice, please please don't tell Josh..please?" "Why were you making out in the first place?" I asked curiously and she replied "Well me and Keith... we've sorta been sneaking around and seeing each other for a while." She said embarrassed scince I found them making out a while ago. "So....every time you say that Josh is taking you out to lunch or something you've actually been sneaking around me and Josh's backs?" "Yeah." After her reply I just walked off to find Josh.

I hate Jess sometimes.I mean were best friends and she doesn't even tell me that shes sneaking around with some guy? That one sure got me pissed. I sat alone at lunch today. I was too bothered thinking if I should tell Josh that Jess ahs been cheating on him. I know its the right thing to do but what happens after that...will Jess still be my friend? Will we forgive each other for what we had done? I don't's just sooo complicating. Suddenly someone clicked their fingers in front of my face. "Hey, are you okay?" Asked Josh worriedly. " Yeah...I'm fine. Thanks for asking Josh." "Your welcome." Then he asked me something I couldn't answer. "Hey you know why Jess has been acting weird around me lately?" "No...why?" "Coz everytime I walk up to her and try to hug her or kiss her cheek she just says 'Oh I need to go to the bathroom' and she keeps on doing that!" I could tell Josh was getting all desperate. "I don't know if she wants me to tell you."

_______________________________________________________________________________ this is the first time i've uploaded and please comment and vote if you like it. I know it's not that exciting but it will be.....sooner or later :) And sorry if it's short....please tell me if you want the chapters longer because this is the first time i've uploaded so I don't know how long a chapter should be. Anyways..Bye! :)

P.S Do you think Jess wanted the cheating to go on?


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