Chapter 8 ~

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hey guys!!! so sorry I didn't have any time to upload :( But! guess what? Now I do! So please sit back and enjoy.....well not literally sit back but.....meh... <3 u guys!!!!



I stopped kissing her and said " Cool. Um are you free Monday night?" "Uhh I dont have anything planned so yeah I guess so..." "Cool what time do you think I should pick you up?" "Uhhh maybe around 5:30 ish?"

"Yea sure ok." I pecked her on the lips quickly and said goodbye.

I had fun tonight. She's nice, sweet, funny, caring and well... bascically everything a guy could ask for.It was the best date I've ever been on. All the other dates are just bleh, old, boring and well just plain old boring. It's probaly cause all the girls I've been out with are sluts and just want me for 1thing. Alice... Alice is different. A special type of different.

I parked into my drive way and got out of the car. I unlocked the door thinking about the kiss we just shared and how it made me feel. Yeah, I might be a guy, but out doesn't mean I don't have any feelings. And yeah, I might be a player and use girls, but guess what? I'm ready for committment. I think.

I went upstairs and walked into my brothers room regretting what I saw straight away. My brother was doing it. Like having sex! "make sure to use protection." I called out smirking. He literallyjumped up from the bed and looked at me like I was crazy. "WTF ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" "Uh well.... I just got hơn from my date and was going to ask what you were doing when all I heard was 'Uh yes oh yes Uh!' from that slut there." The slut looked at me with a death glare and said, "I have a name you know. " "Oh really I didn't know that." "It's Brittany" she said through gritted teeth. "And BTW your brother is great and really big so it feels so good unlike you." she said smugly " Oh I don't even know if I've done you yet" I said smirking "But maybe next time" With that I left and they obviously started again cause I kept on hearing moans and groans and yeah, you get the point.

It was around 12 now and I was about to go to sleep when I decided to text Alice. :

Hey Alice sweet dreams ok? I had a great time by the way.

I sent it to her and around 30 seconds later she replied :

Me too! It was awesome!

I replied:

Cool! anyways 1 question what if I crept into your room in the middle of the night and raped you?

She replied:

I would kill you because your being an ass.

I smiled at that then replied:

Well what if I did that tonight?

She replied:

Well it would hurt coz I'm still a virgin.

REALLY? wow. I thought you would have lost it by now coz your really hot.

Thank you. your not Too bad yourself.

Haha really? I bet you'd want to see me naked any minute now.

Nah-ah! In your dreams! Anyways I'm getting tired I'm gonna go now ok?

Well if your tired I know a good way to wake you up?


Alright goodnight Hun.


Alice POV

I went to sleep smiling that night. Sam is soooooooo sweet! And totally edible. He is soooooooo hot! No that's not a good enough word to desrcibe him. He is sexyyyyyyy!!!!!!

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