Chapter 4: The Three Heir Brothers

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-Rin's POV-

I don't like being carried around like I couldn't walk by myself, but when Len did it... It felt somewhat different... KYAAA! ITS SOUNDS LIKE I'M A PERVERT WHEN I SAY THAT!

We are now in the ballroom and he sets me down in the middle of the dance floor and my mother and father are staring at us in awe, like 'of all the people in entire ballroom, why him?' I would ask the same question to myself...

"Is... Len really the one you choose?" My father ask as he stares at us.


"Well! I guess my brothers will have to come!" Len interrupts then snaps his fingers. Two males in sleek suits come out of a hallway, one with long, purple hair and dashing, purple eyes, the other with blue hair and blue eyes.

"Rhiannon, this is Kaito Shion of the North Kingdom and Gakupo Kamui of the North Kingdom," my father explains.

I HATE that name! Rhiannon! It reminds me of my deceased grandmother, who's name was also Rhiannon...

I look at the males. "These are my brothers," Len says as he looks away.

The one called Kaito comes and kneels before my while taking my hand and softly planting a kiss on it. " 'Tis all my honor, milady," he says with a fake calming voice. Seriously, do these people think I'm stupid? He stands up and backs always with his hand on his chest.

The purple guy does the same as the blue one, but instead he says, "The pleasure is all mine, Princess Rhiannon." The he backs away, too.

So these are Len's brothers, huh?

"When your seventeenth birthday has hit, you will pick one of those two to become the king of this country," my mother says as she bows with my father. "We should be on our way," she says lastly then they go to their room.

I bow. "Thank you for coming to my ball," I say then lift my head. I turn to Len and he escorts me to my room. He sits on my bed while I wash up for bed and change into my night gown.

Why did he want or come into my room again? Oh yeah, he wants to talk to me about his brothers and what their personalities are REALLY like.

I walk out of the restroom and sit next to Len on my bed as I twirl my hair. "So what are they like?" I ask then click my tongue.

Len sighs. "Kaito would just want you as a sex toy...and for power..." He says and leans back on the bed like its no big deal.

"That's pleasant..." I say sarcastically then lay down then so does he. We look at each other.

His eyes were soft and his smile was real, which made me extremely happy, even though I'd already seen it all night, but seeing him face to face like this made a little part inside of me do a back flip then sprint a million miles, but still be restless.

"And... Gakupo is really weird and very rude. He's a sadist, one might say," he tells me.

It's hard to pay attentions since his eyes are playing a symphony that's distracting me.

"So if they act nice, they are probably just doing that so you'll like them," he tells me at last.

I nod and look down at his hand which are really close to mine and are a lot bigger, too. Then I look back at his eyes and he was staring at our hands too, but then our eyes connect again and I feel his hands infuse with mine and suddenly we're holding hands. I feel sleepy and my eyes close shut and I find myself in a dream world full of flowers.

Apparently we fell asleep like this...

I like this masked man without his mask.



It's so cute how they are already falling for each other even though they just met yesterday!


Or did they? Is this REALLY their first time meeting? Or is it, suppose, their... Many times meeting?

I'm gonna try to post another chapter today :3

Author-chan is out!

Idk, call me whateva

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