Chapter 5: Waking up to One Gentleman

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-Rin's POV-

I wake up the next day to find Len not there and not holding my hands like he was yesterday, which makes me kind of sad, but his is not one of my choices. I get out of my bed and if myself into an orange dress that went down to my knees. I skipped around the halls to the dinning room and when I got there, everyone except mother and father was there. The two males with blue and purple stood up and rushed to my side and begged me to sit by them. They were also pulling at my hands which made me kind of angry.

"Sit by me, Princess"

"Milady, I have saved you a seat!"

"Princess Rhiannon! Please sit by me!"

"Do not listen to that goon, Princess!"

"I'll give you ice cream, milady!"

I reclined my hands in silence and walked over to Len and took a seat by him in silence. "Good morning, Len!" I say to him with a bright smile. It was real as can be.

He smiled a real smile at me, too. "Good morning, Rin! Did you sleep well last night?" He asks as he leaned on his arm across the table.

"Very well, but I noticed that you were not there when I had waken," I said to him with a curious look. "Mind telling me why?" I asked.

Len looked confused, too. "I had just gotten up to leave for breakfast, Rin," he says to me.

I nodded. "Very well m, then," I say and look ahead at the two other men with their mouth hanging open.

Len smirked. "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies," he says to them. They instantly close their mouths and glare at Len.

Then my parents come in and it's time for breakfast.


I go to the ballroom as I prepare for my dance lessons, it's not like I needed any, but I still went because it was fun dancing! I looked and saw that Gakupo and Kaito were here...

Oh no...

They both sprinted to me and linked arms with me.

"Would you like to dance, milady?"

"No! Rhiannon would like to dance with me!"

"Don't be foolish! She wants to dance with me!"

As they bucked I looked over and saw Len walk in. I unlink my arms with the Bicker Brothers and went up to Len. "Would you like to practice dancing with me?" I ask him with bright eyes.

He looks around and then at his brothers. "Of course! You are an amazing dancer!" He says with a smile. And with that, we bother danced and danced and danced until it was time for tea with my mother, which we both had to attend anyway. We walked to the garden together and my mother wasn't there, so we sat and waited for her, but then Teto came and told us that my mother would not be attending due to queen issues. Len and I enjoyed tea and various other sweets without her and we talked for hours on end.

I wonder why I have such a deep connection with this guy.... It's like... It's a click right away...

Len checked his watch and looked up at me. "It looks like o have to go, but see you later, okay?" He said to me as he got up.

I nodded,then he left and I was alone at the gazebo. I drank some of my tea. Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes and out popped non other than Kaito.

Uh oh...

He came and sat where Kaito had been sitting. "Do you have a thing for Lennel or something?" Kaito asks as he traces the outline of the cup Len had been drinking.

So Len's real name was Lennel? (A/N: if you know where I'm getting it from, YEY u!)

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about!" I say as I eat another sweet.

Did I? No...we just met...

Kaito laughed a little bit. "Yeah right..." He said and ate a biscuit.


"Listen, don't pick me.... I already have someone I love..." He says and takes another bite of his biscuit.

Okay... That won't be hard...

"But... You know something else?" He asks as he crosses his legs. "Gakupo also has a lover..." He says with a smirk.

This was going fine harder then I expected...

"And to refrain from killing my brother on the inside, it would be better to pick me... I could try to live with the pain..." He says with a tiny laugh at the end that tells me he just wants the throne.

I stand up. "If you'll excuse me, I just remembered that I have some business to take care of..." I tell him then sprint off to my room. I change into my white dress that goes down to my knees then I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I tell them.

The door opens and its Gakupo. "Sorry for the interruption, Princess Rhiannon..." He says and now he is fully in my room with the door closed.

"It's fine, do you need anything?" I ask as I sit on my bed.

"Actually, yes! I was wondering if you would like to attend to make an appearance at a croquet game between Kaito and I?" He asks, his voice is buttery.

"Nah! I don't really like croquet!" I tell him and lay back on my bed, the same way I did yesterday with Len.

Suddenly, I felt two large hands grasp around both of my wrists and saw Gakupo's face leaning over mine. "Well, then shall we do an activity alone?" He asks slyly. My eyes are bright and scared.


Gakupo licks his lips sexually.

My doors opened. "Hey, Rin! I was wondering if..."

It was Len...

Gakupo and I looked at him.

"Little brother, what are you doing here?" Gakupo asks.

I look over at him as Gakupo's grip on my hand tightened.

Len walked over and threw Gakupo off of me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BIG BROTHER?!" He asks with rage.

He shrugged. "The little girl wanted me so I haver her it!" He said in a LYING tone.

Did I mention he LIED?

Len looked at me with soft eyes and a slight smile. "Bullshit..." He says in a nice tone.

"What?" Gakupo asks.

Len looks at Gakupo the same way looks at me. I sit up and look at them. "Bullshit!" Len exclaimed and pushed Gakupo out of the room and locked the door. He walked over to me and sat beside me. "Are you ok? Di he do anything to you?" Len asks as he took my wrists and examined them.

", I'm fine..." I tell him with a smile. "Thanks for being there for me!" I say with a little giggle. He smiles, too.

"I'll have a word with your parents about this," he says and pats my head. "I have to go now, bye!" He says standing up and walking towards the door.

"See you!" I told him.

Why'd I say 'see you' when he obviously says 'bye' you may ask? Well, 'bye' is like "LOL, I'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" 'see you' is like "See you! I'm not leaving! Ahaha!" That's the difference...

So I guess... Over all... Len is the only gentle man out all of them...


I did it (OvO)

Two chapters

One day


She said yes...

:3 see y'all later!

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