Chapter 6: Singing in The Rain

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Lol, skip one week :3
-Rin's POV-

It was a dark, gloomy rainy day, one of my favorite kinds of days! It was wet and there wasn't much to do in the castle so I usually got bored on rainy days, but I've developed a habit of running outside and then singing and dancing. It was fun!

I was wondering if Len would come and join me if I asked him to, so I pranced to his room and knocked on his door. "Enter!" He said on the other side. I opened the door and he is at his desk doing his paper work. I walk over and look over his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask as I quickly skim over the papers.

A blush spread across his face and he shuffled the papers with his hands. "N-nothing! What do you need?" He asks as he looked at me casually.

I jumped back a little and he followed me with his eyes. "Do you want to do something fun on this rainy day?" I ask as I spin around.

"Not really, but what do you have in mind?" He asks out of curiosity.

I stop twirling and meet his eyes. "Let's go sing and dance in the rain!" I announce.


Len turns back around and continues on his paper. "You could catch a cold if you do that and I also have multiple duties to do," he says coldly.

I pout. "Fine, then I'll leave you alone..." I say and sulk out of his room then I run to the nearest gate outside and run into the rain. I twirl, I whirl, I prance, I dance, and I sing, but it didn't seem as fun this time for some reason...

I stopped and looked up at the sky and closed my eyes.

"You can keep the last of me...

I don't care I am obsolete

You have seen the last of me...

Wring my neck, I won't feel a thing...

Reverb, resound, and repeat...

Phase out my heart and you will see!

Slam shut, eyes blank, and repeat

I will show you what I can be..."

The tune just slipped out of my lips as the rain covered my body and soaked my clothes. Sometimes I did feel like that, like I didn't belong somewhere and that the future was more important then the present.

I walked around and talked to myself. "I feel like Len is the only nice one to me in the house...but I, if I was about to say that than I'd kill myself..." I said to myself.

Why was Len much more of a gentleman then the rest of the others? And why did I feel as if butterflies are eating my insides whenever I see him or talk to him or even think about him? It's kind of strange and frightens me a little bit.

I spun around some while thinking about the situation the stopped.

Wait... Does that mean....?

My cheeks got hot just thinking about it.

"Does that mean I'm in love with Len?" I asked myself. I shook my head to get the thought away. "Impossible!" I said then I heard someone else's shoes patter in the rain running towards me. I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and spin me around and the guy was laughing. I looked up and it was Len spinning me around. I did blush a little.

Len picked me up and continued to spin and laugh like crazy.

This couldn't be what I am feeling! It's just temporary!

He sat me down. "Was that fun? Am I good at this?" He asks as he continues to laugh and look at me for an answer.

I tap my chin. "Meh, you still need more work!" I tell him and put my hands on my hips and smile widely.

He sighed. "Well, than can you teach me?" He asked.

"Of course!" I responded then takes his hands and start spinning around.

-Len's POV-

I looked outside my window and saw Rin looking up at the sky and saying something, or singing. She seemed kind of lonely so I decided I'd join her. I went to the nearest exit and saw her walking around. She looked beautiful as always...

I sprinted my hardest out the door and caught up with her then grabbed her waist and picked her up then started to twirl around.

I could get used to this, if it was with Rin...


If you didn't know, the song Rin was singing was 'Last of Me' by Circus-p and originally sung by Luka. I LOVE THAT SONG! ITS AN EARWORM!

Also, since I have another day off, I'll try to make another chapter!


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