Chapter 8: Attack

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-two weeks later-

-Rin's POV-

It's night and it's raining and Len's in my room and we are having a chat. It's nice to have someone to talk to! Mom never really talks to me, Dad is ways super busy, and Teto can't talk because she always has other duties to do.

"So do you remember anything from when you were little?" Len asks suddenly.

I kick my legs back and forth some and look at him with a blush. "Not much, mom said I got hurt so I don't remember much," I replied and looked up at the ceiling. Len looked down and gave out a sigh.

Was there something wrong with that? Was there something important in the past? Or did I just disappoint him? I'm kind of worried what her thinks of me now! Wait, why should I care what he thinks of me? It's not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend! I am Princess Rhiannon Elizabeth Ann Kurosaki of the North Western Country! He is Prince Lennel Nile Lee Kagamine of the North country! And I was to marry one of his brothers, NOT him!

"So who do you plan on making your queen when you are king?" I ask him with a little disappointment in my voice.

He looked at me with worried eyes.


An arrow whizzed by my head and the one whizzed by Len's.

"W-what's going on?" I asked as my hands trembled.

Len paused for a second and grabbed my wrist and ran to my closet. He opened it and pulled up a little trapdoor. "Get in!" He demands and I do as I am told. Len closes the closet door and shuts the trap door.

How did he know this was here?

It was a very cramped space with a large, red button. Len pushed it and suddenly sirens went off.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Len.

Len sighed and looked into my eyes with panic. "An attack..." He answered back in a whisper.

We heard footsteps coming from my room. Wait... They were in my room?

Len turned me around so my head was on his chest and he covered my mouth with his large hand. I am a bit frazzled right now...

The steps were booms now. "Take what is precious!" We heard him say loudly. There were more steps and rummaging in my dressers.

"Sir, is this a B cupped bra?" I heard a solider say.

"That will come in handy!" Said another with a deep voice.

"ONLY WHAT IS PRECIOUS!" Said the man, supposedly in charge.

They were talking and chatting and would leave my room!

"Find the princess!" Said the head man. "We leave with her, or we leave with all the precious items!"

Tears trickled down my cheeks and onto Len's hand. Len held my closer and rested his head on mine. "It'll be fine..." He whispered to me.

"Sir, the princess is not in here! Would you like us to search the rest of the castle?" Said the deep voice, pervert man.

There was a pause. "Yes, we shall leave this room!" He responded. Everybody climbed out of my room and shut my door with a bang.

Len let go of my mouth and turned me back around. "Are you ok?" He whispered.

I shook my head and took a deep breath. "What if they find my parents? What if they are already dead? What about your brothers? What about the servants? What about the guards?" I whispered in a small tone.

"Calm... They are all ok! I promise! Now is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He asked as he placed his large hand on his head.

Feel better? Now? No way! I'm in epic panic mode! Everyone is probably DEAD! And it's all because I'M alive! I should be dead! I should just turn myself in!

"N-no! This is a time of crisis!" I responded quietly. I had a blush on my face when I figured how close we were.

Len noticed to. "Anything at all?" Len asked with a slight smirk, it was hard to see because it was very dark.

"Maybe one thing..." I said as I gulped a little.

Okay, this could go two ways!

1) we could do what I want and make it awkward...

2) we could do what I want to do and make it awesome and not awkward!

"What is it?" Len asked as I felt my body temperature rise.

Should I? Or should I not?

Do I love him? Let's see... I get butterflies... I think about him a lot... Always want to spend time with him... And... I have a deep affections for him... Yeah, I love him.

I stared at his face for a second. "You know...." I answer him.

I feel my face getting hotter as I close my eyes and he closes his. We both lean in until our lips connect forming a kiss. Our tongues, mostly Len's, tried for dominance, I gave up and gave Len his prize.

It was magical! My first kiss is with Len...


THIS IS WRONG! I EITHER HAVE TO MARRY--ah! Forget it! I don't love either of those bozos! I only love Len!

I feel Len's arm wrap around my waist as we deepen the kiss, if that's even possible. I hold to the fabric on his shirt and press my body onto his.

I was running out of breath now...

I backed away and tried to keep my breathing down, but it didn't work as much... Neither did Len's.

"Rin?" Len whispered as if to check if I was still there and not some other girl.

"Yes?" I replied.

His heavy breathing stopped and turned into a smirk. "I think I fell in love with you..." He says to me and leans his head back on the wall.

I nod. " I think I fell in love with you, too," I tell him and rest my head on his chest.


I feel more calm and feel as if nothing in the world matters...

But there was still an attack going on...


Well, im home alone!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Okay, this is seriously what I'm doing when I'm home alone? XD
I could be eating all the ice cream if I wanted! *puts protection shield up* no Kaito

Kaito: *^*


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