Chapter 9: The Locket and The Flower

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Wow... Aren't I getting a lot done?

-Rin's POV-

I kept replaying what happened in this hiding hole over and over again and what happened after...

-Le Flashback-

"But... What about the marriage thing?" I asked as Len pushed back some of my hair with his thumb.

"Let's just keep it a secret!" He says and puts a finger up to his lips with a smile. I smiled to and embraced him.

-End of Le Flashback-

Now we were in the ballroom after the attack with everyone safe and sound in there. I was so glad that everyone was safe!

"Is the head count finished?" My father asked my mother and Kaito. They both nodded at the same time.

I looked at the maid named Miku and she was crying and staring at Kaito. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Miku? Are you ok?" I ask. She flinched and wipes her tears away with a nod. Kaito turned around and stared at Miku and began crying, too.

What is going on?

Kaito slowly walked up Miku and I and took her hands. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

Everyone was now staring at them. " here for..." Kaito began, but his voice trailed off and he looked around at everyone. He wiped his tears away and toughened up. "I am here to win the heart of Princess Rhiannon," he tells her and lets go of her hands.

"Oh..." Was all Miku could say and she began crying even more. She turned and headed to the other maids and butlers.

What just happened?

I felt Len granny hand and squeeze hard. I squeezed back just as hard.

"Luka, Teto, and Akaito, please serve everyone some water!" My father demanded. The three left to the kitchen.

My mother rushed over to me and I let go of Len's hand. "Oh, my darling!" She says and embraces me tightly. I embrace her back. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asks.

"Mm-hm! Just a little frazzled, that's all," I reply.

My mother looks at me then looks at Len. "Thank you so much for protecting my daughter!" She says and hugs Len, too. She lets go and walks away back to my father.

I suddenly remember something important...

My face goes pale.

The maids were serving water to everyone.

Len looks at me with worry. "Are you ok?" He asks.

I pause.

Silence between us...

"TETO! THE AMULET!" I shout and sprint to my room.

There is glass all over the hallways where the men came in so my feet are getting cut by the sharp shards on the floor.

I don't care!

I just keep running while leaving a blood trail to my every move.

I am running...

And I hear someone chasing after me...

Two people...

I ran to my room and slammed the door open and ran to the dresser by my bed and opened it.

Color drained from my face once again....

Oh no....

"Rin!" Called the voice of Teto. She was in the doorway with Len.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "It's... Gone..." I tell her.

I just want to curl up in a ball and did! That amulet was the most important thing to me. It held my past the I could never remember. It was given to me by someone who I always believed I'd never meet again, a depressing thought really.

Teto ran over to me and looked in the dresser and it was missing. She patted my back. "It's ok, Rin..." She says and cries a little herself.

Len walks over. "What amulet?" He asks.

I look up at him with teary eyes. "Someone gave it to me in the past... It's special to me and...and...and now it's gone!" I sobbed.

Len out his hand on his chin. "Can't we just buy you a knew one?" He asked me.

I glared at him that told him that it was so important that you could never replace it, that's how important it is.

But I looked in and picked up the special fake rose that person had given me. I held it to my chest. "They gave this to me, too," I murmur.

Len's eyes widen.


"W-we should go back, Rin," Teto tells me.

I nod and try to stand up, but I can't because my feet hurt insanely bad. I keep trying, but I keep failing.

"You go ahead, Teto," I tell her. She nods and walks down the hallway.

Len looks at me. "Carry me?" I say with a slight smile. He nods and then I get on his back.

We are walking in the hallway with me on his back and him carrying me.

"Why is the rose so important to you, too?" He asks all of a sudden.

I sigh. "Because you gave it to me when we first met.." I say all of a sudden. I widen my eyes.

Did I just remember some of my past?

I nuzzles into Len's shoulder.

"Did I now?" He asks as we stop.

I nod and close my eyes.

"A-and the amulet?" He asks me.

"You gave it to me on our tenth birthday, right?" I ask as I squeeze him a little bit.

He smiles and continues walking.



"I know I fell in love with you..."

"I know I fell in love with you, too"



"I'll get you a new amulet."

"Thank you..."


And this is why he I love him...


awwww! Wasn't that cute! =•=

Man, I really AM getting a lot done today!

See you all later! ^w^

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