Chpt: 27

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"Shawn is getting the surgery." Manny said.


Logans POV:

Shawns father's voice rang in my ears. "He's getting the surgery."

"The doctor said that there is only 1/10 of a chance that he will die so we decided to take it." Karen spoke. I just nodded, thinking.

"When is his surgery?" I asked, quietly.

"Next week. But he can leave the hospital today." Karen smiled. I returned the grin and Shawns family left the room.

"...Wanna take a nap?" Shawn asked me. I nodded, and crawled into his lap. I layed my head on his shoulder and he held me closer than ever before. He was lightly singing a tune in my ear, and I hummed along.

"Darling hold me in your arms the way you did last night, and we'll lie inside, a little while he wrote.

I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up, and we're wrapped in light, in life, in love.

Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut, for they're designed to be together.

With your body next to mine our hearts will beat as one.

And we're set alight, we're afire love."

And with that last verse, I was asleep in his strong arms.


"Wakey, wakey." I heard a soft, raspy voice in my ear. I fluttered my blue eyes open and Shawn kissed my nose softly. I grinned, and he smiled back.

We heard a knock on the door, and Shawn yelled "Come in."

Cameron barged through the door.

"I wanted to say goodbye to my bestie! And Shawn." Cameron said, chuckling. I got up to give him a hug, and he walked over to Shawn and embraced him.

"I'll miss you both so much." Cam said, pulling away from Shawn.

"After we settle in the house, I have to fly to Casper, Wyoming to meet that fan. She said she'd meet me there, because that was the closest airport to Gillette. And it's still a really small airport." Cameron said. We both nodded.

"I'll see you when you get back next month!" Shawn smiled. I smiled after him.

"Bye." Cameron said, walking out the door.

It was silent for a few moments.

"Well, the doctor said it was alright for you to head back to the hotel and enjoy life before the surgery, so.... Are you ready?" I asked. We had already packed everything.

"Yeah, let's go." Shawn said, standing up. We hailed a cab, and drove off to the hotel.


"Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know I'm okat, love y'all, bye." Shawn said, and posted the quick video to vine. Somehow the word got out and everyone knew about Shawn, Matt, and Taylor. Matt lost almost 1 million followers on almost every platform. (Lol I love carter but that reminds me of his 'incident'😂)

I needed to upload a new YouTube video, so Shawn and I brainstormed ideas, when one particular suggestion came up.

"We could do the touch my body challenge?" Shawn asked.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I grabbed a bandana from Taylors bag, knowing he wouldn't care, and we sat down. I turned on my camera, and we started recording.

"Hey guys! It's Logan. Today I'm doing the touch my body challenge with Shawn Peter Raul Mendes!" I shouted. Shawn glared at me.

"Don't use my middle name." He said, fake pouting. I kissed his cheek and he smiled a big smile.

"If you donmt already know what this is, we basically put on a blindfold and the other takes their body part and you have to gues what it is, if that makes sense." I giggled. Shawn took the bandana and tied it around his head.

"Let's start!"


After filming and editing, I was ready for another nap. Taylor had came up a while ago, saying he felt much better. He brought up some chicken nuggets and we all ate them quickly. Today was a pretty good day. Shawn and I took another nap, and he sang to me again. Nothing to complain about.

My dad called around 8 telling me a new neighbor was moving in next door, and that they should be there in 2 days.

I really hope it's Cameron.


Word count: 703

Date: 1-11-16

Sorry this chapter sucked, it was a short filler. I've already planned out what's going to happen so I'm updating quickly. I love you guys, keep reading! Byeeeeee✌🏼️💞❤️👑

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