sixteen » t h i e f

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"You don't need a reason to help people. You just got to be a person." — Unknown.

[Jesus on the side or on the top!]



       "Ugh damn it! Stupid fucking car! Why did you die on me?!" I yell, slamming my hands against the steering wheel and groaning as I lay my head against the wheel. I've been driving for a couple of hours, and I'm two hours away from the city of Mexico, but I ran out of money and gas, now I'm stuck on the side of the highway.

       Just my luck.

       Sighing, I lift myself up and look over at my things. I already ate my sandwiches and drank all my water. Running for your life makes you really hungry. Grabbing my sunglasses and putting them on, I grab my baseball hat and put that on my head. I grab my map and shove it in my pocket before taking the keys out of the ignition and hiding them under the mat. Getting out of the car, I close the door and shove both of my guns in the back of my jeans, I throw my shirt over them to cover it. Sighing, I look both ways on the highway.

        Guess I'm walking.

        Frowning, I decide to keep going straight until I find the next city and find out where to go from there. I tried to hitch a ride as I walk, but people just zoom past me.

        I get to the next city and start walking around. Maybe I should go to the police station. No, that didn't turn out pretty the last time. I should just stick to being alone and following my map, try not to attract so much attention to myself. I soon find myself in a marketplace, people buzzing around open carts or stores with groceries in their hands. I see a couple of kids running around and playing. I grab my baseball cap and lower it down so it could cover my eyes, and I shove my hands in my pocket as I walk with my head down.

     I'm hungry.

     Those three small sandwiches didn't do me jusitice.

         Biting my lip, I slow down to a stop in front of a shop.

         I have no money.

         And I'm really hungry.

        Would I steal for food?

        "I'm insane." I mutter to myself before grabbing the handle of the door and opening it. I walk inside, glad to find out that there was air conditioner in this store and head to the snack aisles. I pass by a boy that was around my age, a red employee apron wrapped around his waist as he sweeps the floor. I ignore him when he tells me something in Spanish and head to the back of the shop.

        Stopping before a section filled to the brim with chips, jerky bacon and things I really didn't understand because they were in Spanish, I let my eyes run over them. I see a bag of Cheetos and bite my lip. I would really like that. Turning around, I look for anyone watching me or any cameras, and when I saw the cost was clear, I grab the Cheetos bag and stuff it in my pocket.

       "You have got to be the worst thief in the world." A guy says and I gasp, spinning around to look at him. The guy raises a brow at me and he points his broom at me. "That's really obvious, and there is a mirror up there, also, you ignore me when you walk past me. But I'm guessing you don't know Spanish, right?" He says and I look down at my Cheetos bag in my pocket. I groan, knowing I was caught red handed, and took out the Cheetos bag before handing it to him.

       The guy takes it and puts it back on the shelf, he leans on his broom and looks at me, raising a eyebrow. "Why are you stealing?" He asks me, tilting his head to the side, curious.

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