The Family

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Susan couldn't believe what she just saw her daughter being a whore something that she knew would happen she told David years ago she didn't trust her and hopefully he knew why but Susan had a Secret Keshia was her sister/daughter a product of her seducing her Uncle and running off with David and marrying him to hid the shame that they created. She had a lifetime of Shame and didn't regret shit.

David was born and raised to be good man. He lived by the Church he was there every Sunday and Wednesday. He wanted a woman who was gonna be by his side doing the right thing and he found that in Susan. They had three Beautiful children John was in the Army Keshia was in College and little Mary was in Grade School. I lived and would die for my family. Walking into the house i could smell Sin in the air. The smell of SEX hit my nose the sound of moaning opened something deep inside me. I started getting aroused i haven't had sex in years and it was building pressure within me and i want to release it but i knew Susan wouldn't do it with me. She always would holler that she has a headache or on her cycle. I never doubted her and would never cheat on the love of my life. Standing in the door way i see my daughter naked straddling this young man going up and down on his dick. It crushed me but at that moment i wanted it to be me in his place.
David she screamed do something. She said he raped her. I came back to reality. Young man i need you to leave this house now or i will have to call the police NOW. Chris jumped up and said this was no rape I like your daughter and she told me to come over. Young man get out now.
Keshia what is going on David said. Fuck that said Susan. No cursing in this house said dad. What the fuck you mean this whore is fucking in our bed the same bed we shared for years and you want to save her this Bitch has always been whore i told you that years ago. Dad turned to mom and said Susan go start dinner let me talk to Keisha. No i want the Bitch out of this house now replied Susan and leave all of my shit that i bought here. If she leave Susan then you must leave but Mary will stay.
What the fuck you mean that's my baby. She's ours and i will fight you in court for her. You will never win said Susan. Keisha heads off to her room shamed that she got caught by her parents and now she didn't have anywhere to go she packed a bag and headed out the door with no where to go.
That evening David is watching the news ** Breaking News US Army Reserve Bombed 6 people dead*** David shut off the t.v. and decided he was gonna call it a night he didn't know where Susan and Mary went. Keshia stormed off maybe she's with friends I just pray my family is safe.

The next morning as I was getting ready for work. A knock at the door scared me it was two officers. I stood with my mouth open shocked at what they was telling me. My son John was one of the people that died in the bombing. I didn't have my wife to be my shoulder to cry on my whole world came crashing down at that moment.

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