Chapter 1

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Aiden decided to take a break from his work. Setting down his screwdriver, he left the mass of machines behind him to work on another project. He had been asked to develop some extra defence for the camp. As of lately more and more monsters had been breaking in. The camp was suppose to be a safe haven for Demigods from monsters. And allowing such evil creatures into the base would be dangerous. After a few moments of thinking. He decided to take a walk around the camps edge and clear his head. Maybe he could better understand the area; which would help with developing defenses.
Aiden brought out his notepad and a pen. He beginning to note on where to place turrets and various traps. Maybe pitfalls or trip wire. As he walked over the lush green grass, his head swirled with idea's and thoughts. Working out the details, pounding out measurements. The hard part was going to be the motion sensors on the turrets, the tech at camp always seemed to be a few centuries old. While another challenge would be casting enough celestial bronze bullets for such weapons. It had been hard enough to obtain enough for his wrist guns but several large turrets would require much more.
Standing only mere yards away from Aiden, was a new arrival. 23, and mostly nomadic. She seemed to never stay in one place for too long. But this place seemed chill. No need to worry about monsters and the people had good taste in music. However. Fighting, and getting drunk, was discouraged. Which was kinda a bummer. Taking a mental note. She decided that she would stay here for a few months; and recuperate. She'd stolen enough cash to be good for a while. With her habits and all. Walking around the camp, she smoked. A cloud of grey huffing from her red lips. Her guitar hung on her back, it's red paint glistening from the bright sun. She was dressed in her usual baggy t-shirt. With the tattoo on her right shoulder visible. A black tattoo of a splattered treble clef. She wore her boots, and her white hair was up in a pony tail.
She took note of the kid sketching down some stuff on a little notepad. His smaller form had caught her eyes. She smiled softly to herself and approached him. Looking to make a new friend. She drew near him, her hands settled in her pockets. The cigarette tightly clamped between her lips. The end sizzling and smoking. "Aye, kid" she called to him as she approached him. "Who's your god parent?"
Aiden was mostly absorbed in his work, scribbling down measurements and side notes on his notepad. So even though he responded to the strange girl it didn't really register with him. "Oh-o, me  Hephaestus.... you?" A moment after he responded he realized what he had done by responding he had committed himself to a conversation. A social grace that Aiden loathed.
The women took her hands from her pockets. One hand settling on her curved hip, the other grabbing onto the cigarette bud, caught between her lips, with two fingers and brought it from her lips to blow put a plume of smoke. Than brought it back to her mouth. Talking around the cigarette as she spoke. "Apollo" she said simply, raising her eyes to the notepad in his hands. Trying to catch a glimpse of what he might be scribbling. "You like to doodle or somethin'?"
    "They're...Um, BluePrints" Growled Aiden softly, looking down at his note pad, then back up at the camp boarder. Silently figuring how far apart each turret would be, as to provide the maximum amount of protection.
"For what?" She asked curiously as she followed after him. Being sure to keep some space between them. She glanced about the scenery, surrounding them. The green grass, the clear blue sky. The day was new and fresh. Sprinkling rays of light spreading across the camp. As though she were impatient for an answer, She shifted her weight from her left leg to her right.
Aiden looked up at the girl surprised that she had managed to carry out to conversation for so long. His social awkwardness always seemed to deter those who tried to interact with him.  "Defenses around camp we've had a problem with monsters breaking in"
"Really?" She asked with a slight frown. One reason she had come to this camp, was to avoid monsters. They always seemed to know where she was, like most demigods, and never stopped chasing her. And for a little bit she thought she was safe here. He jotted down another note, Before lighting another cigarette. Aiden had  decided on the placement for a pitfall lined with spikes. "Yea the gods have been all but in hiding lately and because of that their protection is starting to weaken. But my defenses should be enough to keep then at bay." Robin listened, not much enjoying the little tid-bit about gods. But she smiled anyway. And with a slight chuckle she offered, "I'm going to a bar later tonight. Wanna come? Drinks on me" she offered, not caring if he looked to young to drink. That never had stopped her as a teenager.
He wrote something else down before responding to her question. "I'll consider it... but only for the drink don't expect me to be very social." His voice was rather plain, although there was a slight warning tone to the last statement. Aiden would die before he became social.
She laughed, already starting to like this kid. Although she knew he was dead serious. It seemed to just be funny to her. While she surrounded herself by people to hide things. He seemed to draw away from others. "Mkay, I'mma head out about 5. Where could I find you?"
Aiden sighed still surprised she had stuck around most people would have left by now. "I'll be in the Hephaestus cabin unless something comes up in which case you'd probably find me in the workshop" a thought occurred to him after he had said this "you're new here aren't you... do you know where everything is at?"
She smiled and shook her head "Yeah, I'm New here. Arrived yesterday" She simply stated. Red, her guitar, swinging against her back as she walked. Her hair, even in a pony tail, was long and waved around her lower back. Her eyes glancing over to the little nerd boy. Before turning back to the path that their feet stomped over.
"Well.." he knew he was going to regret saying this. "I'm almost done here so if you want once I'm done with things here I can show you around." He didn't want to say but he decided it was the right thing to do. After all she said she was going to buy him drinks.
"That would be great" she mused as she grabbed the cigarette from her lips and threw it into the dirt. Crushing it out with her boot. She fell silent and began waiting patiently for him to finish his work.
Aiden finished his trek around the perimeter of the camp, scribbling down a few more notes before putting  away his notebook. "OK well that's that now we can begin your... tour. Umm... is there anywhere you want to see first?"
"Showing me where the Apollo's cabin would be nice." She said as followed after him. Walking with her smooth and small strides. Although if one would pay attention, they would find that she had a slight limp. "We should probably go to the cabins last they are all in one central location. Is there anywhere else?"
Robin shrugged slightly, shaking her head as she spoke. "I don't really care what you show me. I just need to know how to get around" She explained as she followed the male. Her boots crunching against the gravel as they walked.
"What's your name?" She asked him, the in the small talk they had been preoccupied with. She had forgotten to ask his name. Which would be important if she was going to befriend him.
  "O and my names Aiden. Yours?" His words didn't flow very well he didn't have much practice talking with people.
"Robin" she introduced as she followed after him

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