Part 7

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I'm back! Long story guys. Plus, this is the last part Shayne wrote for me! After this part, it will be all me and my ideas. I have this whole fanfic planned out, so get excited! ^_^

NOTE- If you're wondering, they ARE NOT vampires or werewolfs. Nice try. I'm going somewhere completely different with this story. Also, if you follow me, I'll follow back! :)

Shayne gently closed the front door once Jack left. She stared at the door for a few seconds, then turned to me. Her expression was of pure amazement. "Do you know him?" she carefully asked.

I shrugged leisurely. "He said he met my mom. And no- I don't know him that well, if that's what you're asking." I took my bouquet of flowers and caressed the delicate petals. My mind wandered back to Jack, and how sweet he had been, buying me a get-well gift and all that. I couldn't recall ever receiving anything from a random stranger. But it was nice to know that there was someone else in the world who cared for me.

When I looked up, Shayne was already at the kitchen. She was scanning the food products in the refridgerator. She called over her shoulder, "Do you want me to order some pizza? Your dad left a coupon!" Waving the coupon in the air, she hurriedly pulled out her phone and dialed the pizza company's number. I managed to locate one of my mother's old flower cases and filled it with water. Setting the fragile flowers in the vase, I placed it near the foyer. I decided to just lounge in the family room for a while. I might as well catch up on some of the TV shows I might have missed during my awfully long stay at the hospital.

Plopping onto the velvety cushions of the sofa, I flipped on the TV. I could still hear Shayne arguing with the pizza delivery guy on the phone. Turning up the TV's volume a few notches up, I lamely scrolled through the channels, feeling exhaustion crawl into my system. I was just about to give up on watching television, when my cell phone buzzed with a text.

Sighing in frusturation, I rrummaged through my handbag, where I had left my phone earlier. The damn phone continued to buzz and vibrate in my bag, and I felt like throwing it against the wall. Finally, after a few minutes, I found my iPhone and turned it onto my recent messages. A new, unidentifiable number popped up at the new text I'd gotten. "That's weird," I mumbled to myself.

I clicked on the message to read. I was still baffled to see an unknown number, but I was determined to find out. As I read the message, I could feel my breath blown away and my blood turned searing hot.

The unknown text read distinctly, HEY- DAN HERE. I WANTED TO SEE HOW YOU'RE HOLDING UP. For a long time, I stared dumbfounded at the words, my vision blurring. My breathing was shallow, but steady.

Without hesitation, I hastily sent him a message. I was anxious about how he knew my phone number, or how he'd gotten a hold of it. I'M FINE. HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NUMBER??? I texted back, nervous.

A few seconds passed by. Then, Dan sent me a reply. YOUR MOM WAS NICE ENOUGH 2 GIVE IT 2 ME. I WANTED 2 TALK 2 YOU.

I blushed at that last text. Of course- I should have known he'd wanted to chat with me, in person or not. Honestly, I kind of wanted to talk to him, just to know about his lifestyle. Suddenly, a new text from Dan appeared. HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU TO THE MOVIES? SATURDAY NIGHT, 6 P.M.

You Saved My Life - A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now