Part 23

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Ooh typing this on my phone so sorry if there's any mistakes... Also sorry it's been forever :( school is two days this week so expect another update.


Dans POV

Black. Black is all I can see. I can hear, I can breathe. But I can't move. Or speak. I heard the nurse say that I'm in a coma, which made me want to yell. But, it's like my lips are shut with glue. After I 'died' I basically passed out, and my heart stopped. I woke back up in the hospital, and I've been here ever since.

It's been silent for a while now. I'm getting bored. I wanted to turn on the TV. I hate quiet. I need to talk to someone. I need to see Paige. I need to tell her that I'm okay. That I'm alive.

I heard a doorknob open, and people shuffle in. I try my hardest to open my eyes, but it doesn't work.

"Dan... hates quiet" I hear a person whisper. Phil! I hear a TV click on, and I want to scream thank you. But I can't. I hear Paige too, and I want to cry. I want to kiss her. I want to hug her. I want to marry her and leave this hospital and live our life together. I just want to open my eyes.

Silence goes on for a while, and just as soon as I think they left, I hear Phil speak.

"Uhm, hey... Dan. I know you can't hear me-"

Yes! Yes! I can hear you!

"And I know we haven't properly spoken in quite a while, but I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for everything. I'm sorry I left, and I'm sorry that you had to die. just because you fucked up once. Atleast you're alive now, right? And, Paige... Paige loves you."

Yes! Thank god!

"I can tell. I've been with her a lot these past few days. Uhm, I hope you wake up soon, Dan. I've missed you alot. you scared the hell out of me when you died. So, yeah. I'm glad you're okay. I'm glad you're still here with me, even though I wasn't with you for a long time." He finished. The room went silent again.

I heard Phil and Paige speak, and then Paige began her speech as Phil left the room.

"Uh, Hi, Dan. I know you most likely can't hear me-"

I can! I can!

"but I thought it would be nice to just talk to you. I've never been able to just talk to you, you know? It's always about how we're going to beat Jonah, or how you're here to protect me. We don't have a normal relationship, do we?" She laughed. "Well, now I'm here to protect you. So don't worry, my face will be the first think you see when you wake up."

She took her hand in mine, and I just needed to show her. I needed to show her I could hear. That my heart beat was still going because of her. That I loved-

I felt my hand move. I felt it wrap tighter around her small hand as she gasped. I couldn't see her, but I knew she was crying. I felt a light kiss graze my cheek before she got up and ran out of the room. Must be telling the doctors. I tried to move my hand again, but it wouldn't.

For a while, I just listened to whatever show was on the TV, figuring out why I couldn't move my hand. I wanted to run. I wanted to get up and run out of the building, and go home and sleep for a year. But I couldn't.

I heard the door burst open, and soon it was filled with voices of doctors.

"Squeezed her hand, she said."

"Impossible! He's out! Can't even breathe on his own! He can't hear a word we're saying right now." I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't."

"Where is she, anyways?"

"With that other patient, one of them Harries twins. I think they'd make a cute couple, those two. He's been asking for her ever since he woke up." I felt my stomach flush with anger. So these nurses must have ship wars when they're on break?

"I wonder what this one'll do when he wakes up."

"Could be a year. Who knows."

I felt a needle go in me, multiple shouts, many tests going on. I just wanted the faint sound of the television again.

Time went on. One of the nurses went to go check on Jack. Phil came in, and he's remained silent. I laid there, having no choice but to let someone take my blood pressure.

The nurse burst in. I wish I could've seen it.

"Those two were kissing when I walked in! Pretended I didn't see anything, but I called it!" I froze, but I was already frozen. I tried my hardest to move, but the most I could do was make my heart heat faster. I heard all the nurses gasp as the sound of my heart beat sped up and skipped in random places.

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