Part 31

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I stood in the corner of the room, almost every YouTuber sitting in a circle infront of me. Truth or Dare. I haven't played in years. It almost always ended badly, someone being forced to make out with someone or having to flash. That's why I almost never went to parties. My half drunk mind led me to sit inbetween Jack and Finn, and I think Jack put his hand on my thigh. I looked across the circle, and directly infront of me sat Dan. Next to him was Phil, with the slut on the other side. But the only person I could focus on was Dan. His dark brown eyes settled on my face, and I could register that he was observing me. Even when I looked away, I could still feel his eyes focused my way.

The game started with a bang, Tanya Burr had to take a couple of shots. It went around and around and around, Grace Helbig had to take off her top (after ten minutes of everyone convincing her.) and Anthony Padilla had to draw on Ian's stomach. For a few minutes I forgot about Jack's hand slowly inching up my leg, and Dan's eyes piercing through my skull.

"Dan! Truth or Dare" Ian yelled. Everyone went silent.

"Dare." I heard Dan say after a few seconds.

"Uh, I dare you to kiss that chick to your left." Ian slurred. Anthony started laughing, and everyone joined in. I felt my cheeks go red, and I finally looked up to see Dan looking at me, trying to apoligize with his eyes. I looked down as he leaned in.


The game went on a few rounds until Marcus Butler spoke up.

"Hey, Jack truth or dare?"

"Uhm, dare." Jack said.

"Go in the closet for ten minutes with the girl of your choice." Marcus replied. I felt my throat close up automatically. I already knew he would pick me, and well... I'm not that experienced. Sure, I've dated, but I've never really done anything sexual. And now I can almost guarantee Jack will want to do something. Great.

He announced "Paige" with a little smirk and took me by the hand. I couldn't help but shoot a glance Dan's way, I needed someone to save me. But he was just staring at the ground, fingers clenched tightly around the alcohol he was drinking. Britney just sat there looking bored as ever, and Phil looked slightly worried. I don't know what he was more worried about, my safety or Dan throwing a tantrum. It looked like he would any second. Why? I don't know. He has a girlfriend. He moved on, so why can't I? With that final thought, I followed Jack out of the room.


   I thought she wouldn't go. I thought she would decline, and after a bit of teasing, the game went on. But no, Paige had to be brave and follow the drunk idiot. I wanted to go after them, but that would cause questioning. After they exited, a hushed silence fell across the room. A bit later, people went on to have their own conversations.

   "Uh. Don't know why he would pick her anyways." Britney said, picking at her fake nails.

   "What does that mean?" I questioned. I was already in a bad mood, I shouldn't have kissed her infront of Paige. It's just clear that Paige likes Jack. And Jack likes Paige. The strong, brave, good guardian with a future. And here I am, a punk idiot with a terrible history. I would never be good enough for her.
   "She's boring is what it means." Britney said, rolling her eyes. I felt my blood begin to boil, she can't say that about Paige and get away with it.
   "No, I think she's fine." I said, trying to stay casual. I was already mad at this girl.
   "See, fine! Nothing special." She said, sneakily running her cold hand up my leg. I knew what she wanted, but I most definetly did not.
   "No." I just said, and put down my drink. I stood up and left through the front door, Britney following.

   "Hey wait up! Why are we leaving?" She asked, speed walking down the driveway.

   "You're going home." I said, calling down a cab for her. Luckily there was one outside. I opened the door and gestured for her to get in. She got in, waiting for me to join her.

   "Have a nice night now." I said, slamming the door in her face. I think she got the message.


   Jack led me into his room, not the closet.

   "I thought we were-" I began, but I was quickly cut off.

   "Yeah, but this is better." He said, embracing me in a drunken kiss.

   "Jack..." I mumbled.

   "Yes love?" He answered, both our voices hushed.

   "I-I can't do this." I answered. I didn't want this to go that far. Not yet.

   "What do you mean?" He said, his hands already under my shirt, tracing his fingers down my back.

   "I mean I've never done this before." I said, tears blurring my vision. I felt ashamed, tired, drunk and hungry at the same time. I just wanted to go home.

   "Oh, okay then. I'll wait for you." He said, giving me a swift kiss.


   As I walked out of the room and joined the party again, I saw a worried looking Phil staring out the window.

   "Phil?" I asked him, approaching cautiously.

   "Oh! Paige! Thank god you're back." He said, pulling me in for a hug.

   "What? Why?" I said, confused.

   "Dan left. He made that girl get in a cab, and then started walking down the street. I saw from the window. I called him, asking where he was going. All he did was mumble 'bar.' and then he hung up. Which isn't good. But then, I got this text message..." He said, showing me his phone.


   I'm back.

You Saved My Life - A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now