How you met

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Scott: Since you were new at school, you were learning a lot of stuff you didn't know yet. Your teacher noticed and thought it would be good to pair you with some one but, he paired you with some one that wasn't too familiar with the materiel either. His name was Scott. You really didn't talk at first. Soon, when you began to understand the material, you didn't think you needed Scott's help anymore, but he needed you. After helping Scott at school a lot, you became his tutor and then soon, one of his best friends.

Stiles: You and your friend Lydia went to the lacrosse field to watch her boyfriend Jackson, try out for the team. Jackson wasn't doing so good at first, but the kid behind him was. He made every shot! Lydia clapped every time to make Jackson jealous. The boy began to walk towards the bleachers. He must have been a freshman, because you never saw his face before. He looked thirsty but it didn't seem like there was water anywhere, you had one in your bag though. You tapped him and handed the water to him. "Thanks," he said looking confused. You smiled, but saw Jackson in the background about to chuck a ball at the kid. You grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down. You both fell, but you landed on tøp. The ball went right across the field and the only thing the kid said was, "I'm Stiles," and then he smiled.

Liam: While trying to get your books out of your locker, you could hear whispering, but you ignored it. You closed your locker, turned around and clashed right into a boy. Your books fell, but you were alright. The boy had a worried look on his face and leaned down to pick up your books. "Sorry, it was my fault, I'm a little clumsy," you said. "You and me both, I mean one time, I fell in a hole! By the way I'm Liam." You both laughed and then told him your name. You thought he was funny and invited him to sit with you at lunch. He agreed and ever since that day you couldn't be separated. (BTW!!! This is part of a chapter from my book, "You Killed Me Through the Inside Out," go read the first 5 chapters now!)

Isaac: It was the beginning of science and Derek's pack was still trying to figure out if Lydia was indeed the Kanima. We were changing partners a lot during the experiment we were doing in class and eventually you knew you were going to be paired with Isaac Lahey. When the time came, you kinda gave him the silent treatment. He knew you were part of Scott's pack, but he was being surprisingly nice to you. It was weird. You still didn't say anything and it seemed to make him frustrated. It was funny though! You eventually gave in and responded to one of his questions. He gave you that cute little smirk. You paid no attention to it and got back to work, even though you giggled sometimes to the things he was saying to you!

Jackson: You had just transferred to a new school, but you have been going to Beacon Hills High School for about a week now. You had a really rusty, beat up pick up truck that you drove to school and everyday you would park next to a beautiful, silver Porsche. One day you over slept because you had a long night of studying. You rushed to school in your truck, but while still sleepy, you were turning into your parking spot when you scratch the beautiful Porsche. You panicked and jumped out of you car to check the other. Thank God it was a minor scratch. You could barely see it. At the end of the day, when you were walking to your truck, you saw the owner of the Porsche standing by his car yelling. You pulled up your hood and tried to pretend like nothing happened. Right when you opened you car door, the boy said, "HEY! DID YOU DO THIS?!" You turned around scared and replied with a yes. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE THINGS COST?!" You pulled down you hood and said sorry. Once you pulled your hood down he stopped yelling and stared. "Actually, It's okay. I was thinking about a new paint job anyways," he kinda smiled and got in his car and drove away.

Derek: Scott, Stiles and you were in the woods looking for his inhaler that he dropped last night. Scott kept talking about how he lost it and how he got that massive bite mark on the side of his torso. While Scott was talking you didn't listen. You were just in your own little world in front of them. It felt like you couldn't hear them and you weren't paying attention to them at all. You were just there to be there. Since you were walking in front of them and weren't paying attention, you didn't notice the big house ahead or the guy in front of you. You crashed right into his chest. You looked up at him, his eyes black like night. "Sorry," You whispered. You walked back to your friends. "You kids do know this is private property right?" They guy said. "Yeah we're just looking for-," he was cut off by an inhaler thrown at him. "Thanks," Scott said nervously. You guys turned around and being to walk away when the guy said, "No problem. Just stay off my property... and I would keep that pretty girl of yours out of the woods if I were you." You didn't turn around because you didn't want the guy to see you blushing!

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