When They Get Sick

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Idea taken from Fandom_Feelz  "the 100 preferences and imagines" book, go read it it's amazing!!
I know that they can't get sick, buts lets pretend they can!
Scott: When the ding of the microwave went off, you opened and reached inside to take out the warm soup for Scott, and you smiled walking up the stairs knowing that this would make Scott happy. When opening the door, you saw inside, Scott sitting at his desk, with a blanket wrapped around his body, and him leaning over,flipping through a book. You cleared your throat and narrowed your eyes to get his attention. He turned around startled, his nose red and tired eyes, "sorry, you know how important this test is to me," he said getting and walking back to the bed. You handed him the soup and laid next to him. "And you know how important your health is to me."

Stiles: "You should probably go lay down before you pass out Stiles. You're cold and shaking, and it's not even cold," you said as you watched Stiles hunch over his computer. "N-no," he then sneezed," I need to find out what I have!" He said as he continued to type his symptoms into the search bar. You came up behind him and put your check to his, "It's probably just a stomach bug. Now please, get into bed and let me take care of you." He sighed, but gave up and closed out of the tabs. You put an arm around his shoulder and walked him over to his bed. Once in he gave a sigh of relief.

Liam: You both laid on top of the bed flipping through channels, trying to figure ou what to watch. "What are you in the mood for?" You asked. Liam looked up to the ceiling and began to think. "Horror," he chuckled. "Okay, let's see...Ring?" He shook his head, "I know! Let's go for a classic! Poltergeist!" While laughing, Liam began to cough violently. You patted his back and he soon stopped. "Thanks," he said, then smiling.

Isaac: "Isaac!!" You yelled running around the house searching for the tall boy. Isaac was hiding from you because he didn't wanted to take the medicine he needed. "I swear Isaac! If you don't take this freaking cough syrup, I'm gon-" You were then cut off by a sneeze and a door closing quietly. You turned to the garage door ad rolled your eyes. When you opened the door, all you saw was the car sitting in there. "Isaac come one. It's not scary I promise. It just tastes a little weird."  You then walked around the car to see Isaac sitting there, him looking at you disappointed in himself. You smiled and handed him the medicine, which he stared at in uncertainty. He then took a sip and then throw the rest down quickly, then scrunching up his face. You began to laugh. "Told you you were going to be fine," you said helping him up and then walking back to the room. "Thanks, I know I can always count on you."

Derek: You sat there in the loft, waiting for Derek to finally give in and take the medicine that he needed for the stomach bug he had. "Please Der." You said. He turned to you and glared. "I don't need medicine," he said then coughing violently. You walked over to him, "what? Do big, bad, alphas not take cough medicine?" You chuckled. He glared at you once again. "As I believe Stiles once said, don't be such a sour wolf Derek," then pouting your lips. Derek then turned around and sighed opening his mouth. You smiled then put the spoon full of medicine in his mouth. He swallowed, then shut his eyes tight and stuck out his tongue in disgust, making you laugh.

Theo: "Just one more mile," Theo said, as he pushed the next level on the treadmill, making him start running. "No Theo, you need to come inside," you said. He looked at you and shook his head. "At least put this in your mouth so I can take you temperature." Theo rolled his eyes, but then opened his mouth and you slid the thermometer under his tongue. After waiting, almost a minute, it began to beep, you took it out and your eyes became wide after you read it. "Theo! 103! You need to get off the treadmill now! Please!" You yelled at him. Once again Theo rolled his yes, but turned off the treadmill, stepped off and put a towel around his sweating neck. "Fine...but only because you asked nicely," he said, then kissing your cheek and walking towards the bedroom. "Ew stop! Do you want to get me sick too?!" You said then wiping your check.

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