Scott McCall requested imagine for Lonna☆

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Request: Argument over Scott hiding something and she thinks he's just playing with her feelings. Shows her what he is and tells her he loves her. @JaeMonroe

This kinda sounds like my how you found out chapter, but better!

"Where are you going now?" I asked, as Scott had gotten up, form the couch next to me. He turned back around and gave a light sigh. "I just...I just got to go," he said, then practically ran out of my house. I was getting sick and tired of this. Everyday, all the time, everywhere. He has to go do something but won't tell me. I want him to tell me. I want to find out, but I don't want to intrude on his privacy.

After a few more days, the same thing kept happening. That was the last straw. He once again came over to hang out. Everything was silent as we cuddled, watching TV. "Are you cheating on me?" I said without warning or hesitation. His eyes shot open and he looked right at me with a confused look on his face. "Wh-What?! You think  I'm cheating on you?! I would never!"  I looked down and shrugged. "Then why won't you tell me what's going. Obviously it's some big secret. Why won't you tell me Scott?" Scott got up and began to pace around the room,  swinging and rubbing his hands, thinking. "I won't understand. I can't tell you. I just can't."

Anger grew inside of me, and I got up off the couch. "And why?! Your giving me reasons to believe that you are doing something behind my back! How can I trust you? Why are you doing this to me?" Scott had gotten closer to my face, "because I don't want you to get hurt!" He yelled, but as he did, in his eyes, a speck of yellow flashed. I backed away, from fear of what I saw in his eyes. "What was that?" I said, and he knew what I meant. Scott turned away and sighed loud. I stood there patient, staring at his back waiting for him to turn around to me. From the side of his face, I saw that something was happening. His ears, hair, and facial structure began to change.

I started to walk backwards, backing up against the wall. Scott clenched his fists before turning around, now showing his face with hair, pointed ears, sharp fangs and glowing, yellow eyes. I gave a small gasp, but covered my mouth. Scott looked around on the floor, not knowing what to say.

"So this, this is it? This is what you were hiding. Why did you hide this from me?"

"I didn't want you getting hurt. I'm dangerous," he said, looking more relaxed now.

"I think I'll be okay," I chuckled, then began to get closer to Scott. I examined his face, looking at the new features of it. You'd think that anyone would be terrified by this, but not me. I found it magnificent. I then reached out my hand to touch his cheek, but Scott had flinched.

 I then reached out my hand to touch his cheek, but Scott had flinched

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"Your not Scared?" He asked.

I chuckled, and simply shook my head. He smiled and quickly pulled me into a hug.

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