Isaac Lahey Requested Imagine☆

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Request: Isaac saves you from downing at the beach and you don't know each other. Name Tirzah

For: mischieviousfandoms


Okay probably my new favorite request!!!

(Sorry is there are some typos)😬

I opened the curtains in my room, to reveal the bright blue sky, with no clouds. I took a deep breath, and smiled. What a perfect day for the beach. I texted some of my friends, who were either too busy or just didn't answer me. My parents were out of town, so I went by myself. There are many beaches in California, but not any around here in Beacon Hills, so it was going to be a long drive.

I drove with the windows down, blasting music, through the car. My hand hung out of the car and on the side of the car tapping to the beat and bouncing my head. I wore my red hair down, with my favorite bathingsuit on and shorts over top, and sunglasses. When I arrived, I took out my chair and small umbrella, from the car. I had a lot to carry, so I struggled. Once I was almost to the beach, I tripped in my flip-flops and dropped everything. I sighed loud, and began to pick up everything. Every time I grabbed something another would fall, only making more frustrated.

There was then someone standing next to me, I looked up, to see a very tall guy standing in front of me. "Need some help?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded. He had grabbed my chair and umbrella, carrying them under his arms. He had looked so familiar, but I a struggled to figure out where. We walked onto the beach in silence. We stopped at a place close to the water, where we both dropped the stuff onto the sand. "Thanks again," I said. A mile grew on his face, "anytime.

The both of us then turned to the dunes, where a very skinny boy was yelling. "Isaac, come on over here! We found the perfect spot!" There was two girls and two boys. Isaac, where have I heard that before? He looked at me and kinda shrugged, and then ran off towards his friends. After I had set up my umbrella and chair. I sat down with my earbuds, and relaxed, feeling the soft, salty sea breeze, hit my face. Because of it being so warm, I imagined the water to be just the same. I put everything in a bag, and connected to two handles to a lock on my chair. I took off my shorts, revealing the rest of my bathingsuit and kicked off my flipflops.

The waved crashed onto the shore. The sound making me feel so relaxed.  I looked to my left, to see the two boys and the other Isaac, playing with a Frisbee. The boy Isaac and I made eyecontact, which made us both smile at each other. I continued to walk down to the water and I was right. The water was as warm as the air, so it wasn't uncomfortable and cold to walk in. I had gone as far as my waiste, and then dunked my head under the water, making my hair smooth and straight.

I didn't realize I strong the current was, so I struggled to stay close to the shore. I wasn't the best swimmer and as the waves grew stronger, the would crash on top of me, pulling me farther out. I tried to scream for help, but each time, I would be pulled under and my mouth was full of sea water. I came back to the top and heard someone yelling. "Help! Someone help! She's drowining!" A little boy was yelling from the shore. Before I could hear anything else, I was pulled under again.

When you're pulled under the water, helpless, it feels like you're down there for hours, when it's only been just a few seconds. Before I even came back to the top, I felt arms grip around my waist, pushing be up. I gripped the person's chest in fear of falling under again. I shut my eyes tight, trying to not get salt water in them, but my mouth hung wide open gasping for air. A hand was now touching my eyelids, wiping away the away the water. It was that boy. "Are you okay?!" He yelled. I nodded wildly. The boy Isaac, still gripping my waist, began to swim towards the shore. Everyone on the beach began to cheer and clap, for the hero Isaac. I was so humiliated, but was happy to be safe. The boy that was with Isaac had brought over a towel for me. Isaac had wrapped it around me, and held me tight, making me feel more safe. "Thank you," I said softly. "Anytime," he chuckled.

He released me from his arms and we looked at each other. "Well, I think I should probably go home now. That's enough beach for today," I said, a little embarrassed. "Good idea. I'll help you take your stuff to your car."

Once my car was packed, and I shut the trunk, I sighed and turned to Isaac. "Thanks again." He nodded, "Yeah, see you in geometry," he said, before racing back to the beach. Oh my god, how did I not realize that we went to school together?! But I wasn't complaining. I couldn't wait to see him again.😏😏

Word Count: 890

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