Isaac Lahey Requested Imagine for Chelsea☆

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Can I have an Isaac one where Scott is my older brother and realises I like him and I ask him for advice because we're both to shy to make a move on each other. And then in class Isaac and Scott are passing notes about me and the teacher reads them out and then after class he just kisses right infringe of everyone and yeah, just super cute and stuff like that!

Thanks so much. Xxxxxxxx

Enjoy: magcon_tw

I pressed my ear against the door of Scott's room for the second time after I heard my name multiple times, from passing his room. It's a shame I didn't have their abilities, where I could be sitting outside and still hear what they were saying, but I did hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "," "I said no!" Was the last thing I heard. It was Scott and he sounded really mad. I backed away from the door, when I heard it unlock, and hid behind my door, next to his. I heard a grunt, then saw Isaac being pushed out of the room, so hard, that he hit the wall, and made one of our pictures fall.

 I heard a grunt, then saw Isaac being pushed out of the room, so hard, that he hit the wall, and made one of our pictures fall

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My eyes widened, and my mouth hung wide open. I rushed over to him, examing him to see if he was ok, well, until I remembered his abilities. I backed up on my knees, as Isaac, rubbed the top of his head. "Are you okay? I asked. He looked up at me, and I smiled. He blushed, and when he realized he looked very embarrassed. He got up, knocking my just on to my butt. He rushed to his room, and slammed it. I looked up at Scott, who was looking out from his room. He looked at me very serious, then shrugged, closing the door. Boys...


After my morning routine, I exited my room, with my backpack on and letting out a loud yawn, but mid yawn, I saw Isaac and Scott talking once again, but stopped once they saw me in the hallway. My cheeks grew red and I felt frozen, like I couldn't move because I was so embarresed. "You okay?" Scott asked. I then realized that this was my family and who cared with they judged me? I could finally move and breath, and I confidently walked down the rest of the hallway, and said "perfectly."


I sat in my normal seat for Mr. Harris's class. My most boring class out of them all. I sat two seats across from my stepbrother Scott. Then followed my Stiles, who sat in front of him, and Isaac, in the back.  The bell rang for class to start and I got my books out just like normal.

The class day was just like any other, Mr. Harris talking about our next experiment, that we would be doing and him yelling at Stiles, for doing practically nothing. But there was something out of the ordinary today, every time I looked over to see Stiles's reaction for being yelled at, I would look at Scott also. He was passing notes to Isaac...Scott never passes Isaac never the less. To Scott, then Isaac, back to Scott, then back to Isaac, but not before he scribbled something into the tiny paper...well, hat is until Mr. Harris saw them.

Neither of them noticed Mr. Harris slowly walk up behind them and look over their shoulders, until he finally said, "passing notes I see." They both jumped. Scott stayed calm, but Isaac had a horrified look on his face. "It must be important," Mr. Harris paused," can't share?" I saw them both gulp. Mr.  Harris then held out his hand, telling them to hand it over. Mr. Harris then stood infront of the classroom, "This will be fun," he said then began to read:

"I: Please Scott

S: For the last time no! I don't know how many times I've said it already

I: I won't hurt her, you know that,


Mr. Harris stopped and the whole class went quiet, staring at them both, their cheeks bright red. It looked like there was more on the note, but Mr. Harris was too busy laughing to continue. He then came over and dropped the note on my desk, but I couldn't move, I was confused and embarrassed. Shaking, I slowly turned my head to them, and Isaac was staring right at me. I turned my head back around.

It was  a good thing that the bell had rung two minutes after all that, because it was so awkward. I was the last one to leave, because I was finishing up my work, but I rushed out of there as fast as I could when I was done. As soon as I was out of the door,  I felt an arm grab mine, and pull right towards it. Before I could comprehend, what was happening, My lips were smashed against another's. They held me close, it was warm, and safe. When I was released, I felt dizzy and of course confused as to what happened. The person that had grabbed me and kissed me was no other then Isaac. We were both blushing now. "I thought now that you knew...I would go for it," he said chuckling. I laughed too, my cheeks still red. I looked down and fit my tiny hand into his. He was shocked at first, but he got the idea, and smiled, as we walked down the hallway together, our hand intertwined with each others.
I really loved writing this one
Hope you liked it magcon_tw
Word count: 958

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