Stiles Stilinski requested imagine for Hailey☆

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Um the name is hailey, can the situation be that Scott cheats on me and I go to stiles for comfort and he tells me he loves me then we make Scott jealous and he try to get me back but I'm with stiles, and I think u picked up that the character is stiles :)
I had just gotten back from my trip, and I wanted to surprise Scott, because I had been away for so long. I was so excited to see him. I was going to jump right into his arms! Scott, didn't really like it because it would scare him everytime, but I always cam in the back door of his house, so I could surprise him.

I pulled up to the front of his house. Then ran quietly to the back of the house. Luckly, like usually, the backdoor was unlocked. Sowly, I turned the doorknob and tip toed into the kitchen. It always confused me as to how he never realized that someone was sneaking into his house, from the back.

I quietly walked over to the living room, until I instantly froze. My eyes were fixed onto the couch. Where I saw Scott and Kira, laying with each other, talking. They had broken up a long time ago! Why were they doing this? I was just going to sneak right back out of the house, and deal with this later, until I saw Scott kiss her forehead. I was so mad, that if I was a cartoon character, there would be steam shooting out of my ears for sure.

I dropped my bag on the floor, which made a loud BOOM noise. Both of them instantly turned around, to see what it was. Kira's eyes widened, while Scott, hopped over the couch to get me. I turned around, not wanted to talk to him. He grabbed my arm, but I managed to break free. "Hailey, please! I didn't-" "BYE!" I screamed, raising my hand in the air, as I was exiting. I got in my car and slammed the door. I looked at the house, where I saw Scott, running towards the car. I started the car and peeled out of there as fast as I could. He stopped running, and began yelling.

Who knew that was going to happen? As I pulled up to the front of my house. I sighed. It really wasn't like him to do something like that...I couldn't believe it. Before I could open the door, it swung open before my eyes. Stiles was standing there, with a soda in one hand, and a bag of chips, under his arm, so he could open the door. Stiles was always at my house, so it wasn't something new. "Welcome home!" I think he said. He had a mouth full of chips, so it was hard to understand.

I hung my head low and I looked sad, so I knew he was going to ask. The wide smile that he had on his face after he swallowed the chips had disapeared now. "Hailey, you okay?" I looked up at him. A single tear rolled down my cheek. He instantly dropped everything he was holding and pulled me into a hug.

We made our way into the kitchen, where I sat at the bar stool and Stiles was rummaging through the fridge. "...And I there they were on the couch! And he kissed her on the forehead!" I explained to Stiles what had happened. Stiles then turned around with two beers in his hand and a smirk. He slid me one and I didn't drink, so I kinda just stared at it. After Stiles literally chugged his, he wiped his mouth. "It's okay Hailey. I mean, even before you left, Kira and Scott had been acting weird. So maybe it had been happening before. Forget about him. I've been mad at him too lately."

I sighed, and started to tat the tip of the beer. "I just...I just want to get back at him the way he did me..." Stiles sprang up, surprising me. I almost fell off the stool. He was smiling now, "...I have an idea!"

The next day at school, Stiles and I had an amazing plan to get back at Scott. His best friend and ex dating...well, fake dating, or atleast thats what I thought. We entered the school holding hands and giggling with each other. I thought it was hillarious. We walked down the hall, until we saw Scott. To make it look more belielvable, I laid my head on his shoulder, which kinda made Stiles jump. When Scott saw us, his mouth hung open, and he stared. We got him!

The next three classes we had to keep the act going. We had Scott for all those periods. It made him so mad, but soon I think he found it a little unbelieveable. We were too lovey dovey. Did he know? I turned back to Stiles. "I think he's on to us," I said. Stiles swiveled around in his chair to face Scott, who looked right back at him. He quickly turned back around. "Maybe..." he said nervously. "But I know just what to do. Stiles had leaned right in and kissed me! My eyes were wide open and I looked around to see everyone shocked...especially Scott. I kissed back to make him believe more. This was part of the plan right?

Stiles then sat back down looking at me. Both our cheeks bright red. We looked around at everyone, who then instantly went right back to their work. Scott looked at us, mouth gaping wide, then covered his face and laid his head down on the table. We both chuckled to ourselves.

The funny thing is that, I guess our "faking dating" act never stopped, or maybe never started because now we've been "faking daing" for three months now.

I thought the ending was kinda cute!
Word Count: 998

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