Just A Dream

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          They had been married for six years now.. Two years into the marriage they were blessed with twins a daughter Paula Abigail Gibbs was her name, she was a beauty and her brother Jackson Donald Gibbs he was just like his father. Each child had a trait of their parents. Paula had her mother's red hair but she had her fathers blue eyes. Jackson had his father's brown hair and his mother's green eyes. The family was happy. They both were doing the jobs they loved. They had a family they could rely on and let's just say that family spoiled those children. Everything was good until a few months after the twins fourth birthday...

                     The team was gathered in the bullpen, Tony at his desk, Ziva at her, McGee standing beside his since Abby was sat in his chair, Ducky was standing beside Ziva. Gibbs was in front of his desk with the twins and Jenny was sat in his chair. The two had called everyone up to tell them some important news. Jenny finally stood up after making them wait a good ten minutes in complete silence. Walking over to her husband who wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him.

                           "We'd like to make an announcement. " Jenny looked towards Gibbs who nodded and looked towards his team.

                                    "We'd like to say that in the next few months we'll be welcoming a new member to the family.." He said with a smile. A squeal could be heard and they all knew exactly who it was from. Abby ran over and hugged them both and soon they all were in a group hug. After awhile they pulled away and congratulated the couple before heading back to work.. Ducky and Abby stood waiting for the elevator but quickly stepped back seeing some a men in uniform come out. Gibbs looked towards Jenny as he picked up the twins handing one to Jenny turning her and sending her in the direction of the stairs. Quickly he followed behind her as the team watched in shocked.

                        "Not so fast Gunny!" Came the voice from one of the men. Gibbs mumbled as he turned around with Jackson and looked towards the General. Jenny stopped with Paula and looked between the two men.

                          "What do you want General?"

"Haven't you heard. You've been deployed again. You leave tomorrow evening."

                               "No! You can't do that!" Shouted Jenny from behind Gibbs. All eyes were on her. The General moved past Gibbs as he got right up in Jenny's face. Jenny had set Paula down, she was now hugging her leg. Gibbs had set Jackson down,telling him to take his sister down by Aunt Abby and the team. Jackson nodded and took Paula's hand running down their into their waiting arms. All eyes were back on the General and Jenny who was pressed against the railing.

       "Who do you think you are miss?!? You have no say in this.. I have orders to do what I must."

                  "Orders from who!" Jenny snapped at him standing tall. Everyone in the bullpen could tell she was in her directors mode and on top of that she was being protective of her family as well.

                           "The SecNav!" He snapped back showing her the papers. Gibbs could be here mumbling as the General got a little to close to Jenny. Jenny snatched the paper and read over it pushing the General backwards he stumbled but caught himself.

        "Get out of my agency! Now!" She hissed watching his every move she could murder him if she really wanted to.

                   "Wait a minute.. You're director Shepard?"

"You sound surprised,"

                             "Well yeah.. You're a woman.."

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now