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   'She's dead... How could I have been so stupid.. I should've gone with her to La.. She asked me too... Why was I so stupid. It's my fault. I wasn't there to protect her.. I wasn't there to save her. It's my fault she's dead.. Now she'll  never know how much I loved her.. I lost the love of my life a second time.. How could I have let this happen...I can't protect the ones I love.. What good am I..' Those were the thoughts running through my mind as I sat there starring at a picture of us. A happy picture, one we hadn't realized Ducky had taken.. It was one of the only things of hers I had left. I had out pictures from Europe, everything from her office and a few pairs of clothes that she had left back when she was an agent and I couldn't find the nerve to get rid of. She was really gone and I had no one left, well except my team but that wasn't the same. I really wish I would have gone with her, she had asked me to but I declined and now I know that was the second mistake I made with her. The first was letting her go. 


Two Weeks Earlier

   The door to her office banged open and in stepped an angry silver haired agent. Slamming the door behind him he strolled over to her desk stopping in front of it. 

      "What was so damn important you had to pull me from my case?" 

                "I need to ask you something?" She remained calm and professional one thing she was able to do with this certain agent, something she knew bugged him. 

         "Damn it Jen! I'm serious what is so important?"

                "I need you to be my security detail." 

    "That was so important? Dammit Jen! Why did I have to come just for that." 

                "Because I need to book plane tickets in the next hour to get on the next flight out there!" 

 "Where is there?" 

         "Los Angeles Jethro.. "

                  "Why do we have to go there?"

                               "William Decker died.. His funeral is this weekend." 

 "Why wasn't I invited?" 

              "You were but i knew you'd decline so I didn't bother giving you the letter."

 "Damn right I'd decline! I have a job to do!" 

            "So I take it that's a no"

                     "Book two extra tickets along with yours DiNozzo and David can go with you. Now can I go back to work?" 

               "Yes go..." What was that? A flash of sadness cross across those emerald green eye. Gibbs shook the thought out of his head as he went back downstairs. 

          "David! DiNozzo! Go pack a bag you'll be escorting the director to Los Angeles." 


       I sighed as I looked towards the pile of empty bourbon bottles. I had been drinking now and so had DiNozzo and probably David. They blame themselves and yeah I blame them too. They were suppose to be there protecting them.. I should have gone.. Than she wouldn't be dead. 

          I got up and removed another bottle of bourbon and sat down pulling out another set of pictures.  On top was a picture of Jenny, Carson and me. Carson had come up as a missing person and so for awhile he stayed with Jenny. The day he left he wanted a picture and Abby took one giving a copy to Jenny and me as well. That reminded me of an earlier time when another case with a young boy came up... 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now