Little Miss Not So Perfect

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         I never knew why she left.. I figured I'd never know. I'd figured I'd never see her again. That was until four years later on a rainy October day. All NCIS if able were asked to meet at the airport to send a friend and college to their final resting place. Except it wasn't one it was three. A team overseas had been attacked and it was said that the three of these agents had died protecting someone else on their team. The status of the survivor and their name remained hidden.  For some reason something was calling me to the airport. 

         I got to the airport and stood in front, no one minded the rain. Families stood waiting to see if their loved one was killed or not. Based on what it looked like all the families had been called but none told the status of their children, husband, wife, family, or friend. Standing beside me I recognized the man as an army colonel. He looked familiar but I couldn't tell from where. Before I had the chance to ask the plane opened. Standing there I watched as casket after casket after casket came off. The three families who had been crying started balling knowing indeed it was their family member who was killed. Just when I thought it was over all eyes turned to the plane. Slowly out came a woman, she had red hair and green eyes. It was her.. 

          Jenny came off the plane in a wheelchair, everyone could see she had bruises everywhere and her one leg was bandaged up. Her other ankle was in a brace. Slowly she wheeled herself down, that was when I caught sight of the bruised neck and face. I wanted to run to her, kiss her, ask her if she was alright but instead I waited. Slowly she made her way over towards one of the families and was talking. They all watched her, listened to every word she said. Letting out a whistle a dog came running off the plane and to her side. The family looked at her and quickly went to hug her but she stopped them. They nodded in understanding and instead hugged the dog. 

     That was when she turned and glanced towards me. She caught my eye and we stared until she turned away ashamed and embarrassed. I understood just by looking at her. She had been taken captive and told her team not to come save her except they had done the opposite. I would have done the same, I would risk my life to save her as well. Slowly I made my way towards her but stopped as soon as I heard shouting. Glancing over I watched the army colonel I saw early approaching the redhead. 

          "Damnit Jennifer! This is exactly why I wanted you to quit four year ago." He shouted as he walked towards her. Now I knew it, the reason she left wasn't because she'd got her own team it was because she wanted to get away from her father. I couldn't blame her though. I had only met the man a few times and the experiences were never the best. 

      "My life dad not yours. I made a choice." 

                "You could have been killed." 

                      "That's the risk I'm willing to take to save others."

   "Well not no more!" He snapped. I watched in horror as well as the crowd beside me as he grabbed the wheel chair and pulled her towards the car. I was too frozen to do anything, in truth all anyone could do was watched as he roughly lifted her into the car dropping her into the passenger side and slamming the door before shoving the wheelchair in the back of his car. That was the last I saw of her for quite awhile. I would drive past the house and watch as the figures in the house would argue, knowing I should help but she had always told him not to get involved with her father. 

       It wasn't until a year later that I saw her again. I had been asking around the agency and discovered she had temporarily retired, or at least that's how the agency put it. I had made my way down the street after getting a coffee when I suddenly stopped. Glancing through the window of a bookstore I could have sworn I recognized the redhead. Except the only problem was she was dressed in fancy clothing, jewelry, and she had her hair back in a fancy bun, that looked like it had taken hours to put up. She turned towards me and I saw the beautiful green eyes I fell  in love with the first day I had met her. I never understood the way she dressed before but now I knew something was up. I knew she had come from a rich family but she had always told me she would never dress like the rich unless forced too. She had hated the lifestyle much like her mother had but she had put up with it for her girls and that's what Jenny did put up with it because she had too. 

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