Betty or Jenny?

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               It had been another day at Ncis. Well that is another on without their beloved director. It had been a year on this day that they lost their beloved Director Jennifer Shepard. The team was gathered down in Abby's lab sitting remembering good times from when Jenny was around. Ducky told stories about when she was an agent. Gibbs sat there starring at a glass of bourbon. He wanted to drink it.. He wanted to forget about her, about the woman who haunted his memory more often than not. Yet he couldn't the drink reminded him of her, he had gotten her to start drinking it. He sat there in his own little world just thinking. He was interrupted from his thoughts when the phone of a very special agent Anthony DiNozzo started ringing. Glancing over towards him everyone watched as his face went as white as a ghost. He brought the phone down and starred at us. 

        "DiNozzo? What is it?" 

                   "I just got a call.. Asking if Tony DiNardo was there... I haven't used that name since that undercover mission for Director Shepard.." Everyone glanced towards him before quickly getting up..


           There was an office out in  Vancouver, inside you could find Detective Angie Flynn, Detective Oscar Vega, Detective Brian Lucas, Sergeant Mark Cross and Dr. Betty Rogers. For them it was just another day at the office as well, they were currently out working on a body. Heels clicked against the pavement as a redheaded medical examiner approached.

     "What do we have here?" 

              "Well Betts we've got a man here by the name of Tony DiNardo.. " Before Angie could finish Betty's face went blank as she shook her head slowly stepping backwards. 

          "Betty?" Came the voice of Detective Vega as he watched her. 

       "Betty what's going on?" Angie tried again but in response the medical examiner turned and quickly left the scene. She had climbed into her car and drove back to the office. Going down to autopsy she locked the doors and pulled out her phone and let it sit on the counter. Slowly she picked it up and dialed one of the numbers she had memorized in her old life, she may not be alive to them but she still knew all their numbers by heart they had been her family, waiting and praying he would answer.

          "Hello?" Came the voice on the other line, she held her breath as she spoke. 

                 "Is Tony DiNardo there?" 

"This is him why?" She let out the breath she was holding as she mumbled.

          "Thank god you're alive..." Was the last thing said before she hung up. Now that that was over with she went and opened the autopsy doors only to find the two agents she abandoned at the crime scene to be standing there. 

           "Good you got the body now come on in so I can get started and sorry about that something came up.. I'll explain later." She said before turning and walking back into autopsy leaving two agents there starring at her.. 


       They all stood there starring at Tony, no one said a word until Gibbs did. 

  "McGee trace the most recent call. Abby you can help him.. We're getting to the bottom of this. " They all stood there waiting. Gibbs started pacing while McGee and Abby searched. It took about twenty minutes before the computers dinged. 

      "Boss we got it!" 

               "Alright pull it up McGee." With a nod he put it up on the screen and nodded at Abby who began to talk. 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now