They Didn't Have To Be

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        Jennifer Shepard laid in bed in her large georgetown home starring at the ceiling. It had been the first night back in her home without someone laying beside her. She had been out of town with her family only for it to end in a disaster. She still couldn't believe six years of marriage just suddenly came to an end after something so stupid. After coming home she had changed the locks, hid the spare key in different spot and put locks on the windows. Her family had taken a week worth of vacation to visit her family out in La. She was spending the evening with her son, adopted mother and adopted father waiting for her husband to come back from the store. The young boy jumped up as he heard the car pull into the driveway as he ran over to the window watching as his father climbed out of the car. 

             "Mom?" Came the voice of the little five year old boy as he looked back towards his mother his green eyes shinning. Jenny smiled as she made her way over towards him.

                "Yes Tony?" She said stopping beside her son as her smile faded realizing what her son saw. 

   "You said dad was going to the store to get some food, why doesn't he have any?" The boy said as he looked up at his mother. 

             "Anthony stay with your grandparents.." Jenny said as she quickly made her way outside towards her husband. Jessica and John stood and made their way over towards the window. When they had adopted Jenny they had made a promise to Jasper and Jillian to keep her safe what they didn't know was they were gonna be put to that test today. They stood beside Tony as they watched out the window.

               "Where were you?"  Jenny snapped as she approached the man who stopped and smiled watching his wife approach. 

         "At the grocery store, why?" He said his smile fading as he realized the angry in his wife's features. 

                "Because you don't have any groceries and theres a lipstick stain on your collar.." The man stopped reaching his hand up to where his wife just said and he cursed. 

          "Jennifer it isn't what you think..." He said as he slowly made his way towards his wife. 

                   "Stop right there Anthony!" The man stopped suddenly as he stood there watching. 


              "When? When did it start?" She hissed not giving into him. 

                        "When you got sick..." He knew that was a mistake to say but he had to be honest with her, she was his wife and he owed that to her. The rage in her eyes could now be seen by anyone and everyone. 

                "Get the hell off my parents property. I don't wanna see you back here ever again. Don't trying going home either I'm having the locks changed and take this." She said pulling off her wedding ring as she chucked it at him. 

                    "We can work this out.. Just give me another chance.." 

     "We can't and won't now get away." 

               "What about Tony? He is my son too." 

                       "I spent six hours in labor, I gave birth to him, I cared for him while you worked, I even cared for him when I was sick, and where were you?? Off with some pampered little slut. Now get!" With that Jenny turned and made her way inside slamming the door behind her. She had spent the week with her parents, the divorce papers had been signed and her lawyer managed to get her full custody of Tony. She was now at home in her empty bed with her son in the next room over. She didn't know how everything could just go down the drain in one day. All she knew was Tony started school in a month and she had to prepare for that. 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now